User Access
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The combination of username/password is specific to a single database. If you have administrative rights to a database you can modify all users.
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Alternatively, you can install the :mod:`users_ldap` module, which manages the authentication of users in LDAP (the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, a standard system), and connect it to several OpenERP databases. Using this, many databases can share the same user account details.
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Failure to Create a Database
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How do you know if you have successfully created your new database? You are told if the database creation has been unsuccessful. If you have entered a database name using prohibited characters (or no name, or too short a name), you will be alerted by the dialog box :guilabel:`Bad database name!` explaining how to correct the error. If you have entered the wrong super-administrator password or a name already in use (some names can be reserved without your knowledge), you will be alerted by the dialog box :guilabel:`Error during database creation!`.
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Managing Databases
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As a super-administrator, you do not only have rights to create new databases, but also to:
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backup databases,
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delete databases,
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restore databases.
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