Translations by Carlos Caffaratti

Carlos Caffaratti has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Setup/merge authors
Configurar/unir autores
Authors are entities that literally are recorded as having authored some entry on your website. Authors are distinct from normal member profiles- in fact, there is nothing to say an author of an entry is even present on your website (it may have been submitted by a member, but authored by a company, for example). i.e. There is no guarantee that an author of an entry is going to have a member account on the system.\n\nThe following types of content support the author system:\n - news\n - downloads\nAssociation between authors and members is supported, either automatically by sharing a common name (author=username) or by manual configuration. If OCF (the inbuilt forum and member system) is used then this binding is strongest as a link to a members associated author profile (if it exists) is presented on said member's profile screen.
Los autores son personas que literalmente fueron guardadas como creadores en su sitio web. Los autores tienen distintos perfiles que los miembros normales. De hecho, el autor de un artículo puede no ser miembro ni estar presente en su sitio. (puede haber agregado un articulo, pero el autor original es una compañia, por ejemplo). No hay garantía de que el autor sea necesariamente miembro del sitio.\n\n