Translations by victor tejada yau

victor tejada yau has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
You have requested to have the following message on our site for the next <strong>{1}</strong> days.
Tu has pedido tener el siguiente mensaje en tu sition por los proximos <strong>{1}</strong> dias
You don't have enough points to purchase <strong>{1}</strong> day(s). That would cost <strong>{2}</strong> points, and you only have <strong>{3}</strong> points at this time. Please try again after you have enough points, or try ordering fewer days.
Tu no tienes suficiente puntos para comprar <strong>{1}</strong> dia(s). eso costaria <strong>{2}</strong> puntos, y tu solo tienes <strong>{3}</strong> puntos en este momento. Por favor intenet de nuevo cuando tengas suficientes puntos, o intente ordenar en pocos dias
You must order a positive number of days for your message to be displayed.
Tu debes ordenar un numero positivo de dias para que tu mensaje sea desplegado