Translations by Alexis Martínez
Alexis Martínez has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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43. |
Security Note:
Please pay attention to the given mode.
In case of doubt, the vehicle can be used
anytime! Even without the ignition lock!
2010-06-26 |
Nota de seguridad:
Por favor, preste atención al modo dado.
¡En caso de duda, el vehículo puede ser usado
en cualquier momento! ¡Incluso sin el bloqueo de encendido!
47. |
Restores all settings back
to the factory settings.
2010-06-26 |
Restaurar todos los ajustes
a los ajustes de fábrica.
75. |
2010-06-26 |