Browsing Japanese translation

101109 of 109 results
**Url**: The anchor that you selected is displayed.
**Url**: あなたが選択したアンカーが表示されます。
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/tips/links_in_text.rst:137
"user\_" is added automatically as the visual editor TinyMCE requires it for the anchor to work.
TinyMCEがアンカーを動作させるために必要なビジュアルエディタとして ``"user_"`` が自動的に追加されます。
Translated by Masayuki Kuwada
Reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/tips/links_in_text.rst:100
Click the *Save* button to save your text.
あなたのテキストを保存するには *保存* ボタンをクリック してください。
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/tips/links_in_text.rst:143
When you display the page (outside of the *Edit* mode), you can click the linked text. You will jump to the section to which you had linked within that same text.
あなたが (*編集* モード以外で) ページを表示した場合、リンクされたテキストをクリックできます。これは同じテキスト内でリンクされたセクションにジャンプします。
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/tips/links_in_text.rst:144
Link to specific Mahara page in Moodle
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/tips/mahoodle_deep_link.rst:4
Normally, when you log in to Mahara from Moodle, you land on the dashboard page. However, there is :ref:`a trick to go directly to a specific page in Mahara <mahoodle_deep_link>`.
通常MoodleからMaharaにログインした場合、ダッシュボードページに移動します。しかし、:ref:`Maharaの特定のページに移動するためのトリック <mahoodle_deep_link>` があります。
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/tips/mahoodle_deep_link.rst:6
Thanks to `Gordon McLeod <>`_ who `published this tip <>`_.
`このヒントを公開 <>`_ してくださった `Gordon McLeod <>`_ さん、ありがとうございます。
Translated and reviewed by Masayuki Kuwada
Located in ../source/tips/mahoodle_deep_link.rst:9
Tips and tricks
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/tips/tips.rst:2
This section of the user manual contains tips and tricks that Mahara users might find useful.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/tips/tips.rst:4
101109 of 109 results

This translation is managed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida, assigned by Mahara Translation Group.

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Contributors to this translation: Masayuki Kuwada, Mitsuhiro Yoshida.