On the *Edit tags* screen, you can then click the tag that you want to edit. Once you have selected your tag, it is highlighted in the list and you have more options available on the screen.
あなたは *タグを編集する* 画面で編集するタグをクリックできます。あなたがタグを選択した場合、リストで強調表示されて画面で利用できるオプションが増えます。
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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If you clicked the *Edit this tag* button on the *My tags* screen, the tag is already selected for you.
あなたが *マイタグ* 画面で *このタグを編集する* ボタンをクリックした場合、タグはあなたのためにすでに選ばれています。
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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**Name**: You can provide the new name for your tag by replacing the old one. This field is mandatory.
**名称**: あなたは古い名称と置換することで新しいタグ名を設定できます。このフィールドは必須です。
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Masayuki Kuwada
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Click the *Submit* button to save your change.
あなたの変更を保存するには *送信* ボタンをクリックしてください。
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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Alternatively, click the *Delete* button to delete this tag entirely. All occurrences of it will be removed.
代わりに *削除* ボタンをクリックしてこのタグを完全に削除できます。このタグに関連するすべてが削除されます。
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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The items themselves that were associated with the tag are not deleted though.
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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You can click the *My tags* button to be taken back to the overview page of all your tags and their associated resources.
あなたのすべてのタグおよび関連リソースの概要ページに戻るため、*マイタグ* ボタンをクリックできます。
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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View tagged content from others
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Masayuki Kuwada
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You can explore the content of another person's portfolio by clicking a tag on their page. By doing so, you get to see a list of all artefacts, blocks, pages, and collections that have been tagged with this tag and to which you have access.
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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You can only view tagged content of other people, but not group, institution, or site portfolios.
Translated and reviewed by
Masayuki Kuwada
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