Browsing Yiddish translation

4655 of 922 results
**Experimental feature**: :index:`If <single: Export Leap2A via queue>` your site administrator enabled the feature to :ref:`queue Leap2A exports <export_to_queue>`, you will receive a notification when the export has finished. You then have 24 hours until the link to the archive expires. If you do not download your export within that time frame, you will need to export your content again.
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Located in ../source/portfolio/export.rst:57
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Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:12
*Commenting* or giving feedback is an essential component for portfolio work. You can give feedback not only on individual artefacts but on entire portfolio pages.
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Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:14
The author of an artefact or portfolio page decides whether you can leave comments or not. Find the comment options for:
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:16
**files**: when :ref:`editing a file <upload_file>`.
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Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:18
**journal entries**: when :ref:`editing a journal entry <add_journal_entry>`.
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Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:19
**notes**: when :ref:`editing a note <edit_notes>`.
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Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:20
**pages**: in the :ref:`advanced options <share_advanced_options>`.
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Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:21
"Feedback" and "comments" are used interchangeably. It can be argued that feedback and comments denote different qualities of responding. From Mahara 15.10 on, "comments" are used throughout instead of having a mix of "feedback" and "comments".
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:24
View page comments
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/feedback.rst:33
4655 of 922 results

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