insecuredataroot: Share the same dataroot with another Mahara
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``$cfg->insecuredataroot = false;`` (default) or ``$cfg->insecuredataroot = true;``
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You can enforce checking that files that are served have come from dataroot. You would only want to turn this on if you were running more than one Mahara against the same dataroot. If you are doing that, make sure you create separate dataroots for each installation, but symlink the artefact directory from all of them to one of them, and turn on "insecuredataroot" on all the ones for which you created symlinks.
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noreplyaddress: System email address
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``$cfg->noreplyaddress = 'noreply@yourdomainhere';``
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Set the system mail address. Notifications are sent from this address (except for a few emails when a person doesn't yet have an account). You can also set it in *Administration → Configure site → Site options → Email settings*.
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Typically, the noreply address is one that is not monitored as people are not supposed to reply to it.
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log targets: Destination for log information
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Typical production environment:
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``$cfg->log_dbg_targets = LOG_TARGET_ERRORLOG;``
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