Browsing English (United Kingdom) translation

2130 of 738 results
**Collection name**: Provide a title for your collection.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/pages.rst:652 ../source/portfolio/smartevidence.rst:41
**Collection description**: Optionally, you can write a short description about your collection. You do not have a visual editor, but just a plain text box.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/pages.rst:653 ../source/portfolio/smartevidence.rst:42
**Tags**: :index:`Enter tags <single: Tags on collections>` to find your collection more easily at a later stage. Separate your tags with commas. If you already have tags, you can click on the link *Show my tags* and select the ones that you think will fit for this collection as well. They will be entered into the text field for you.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/collections.rst:55
**Page navigation bar**: Choose whether you wish to display a tabbed navigation or not. If you choose not to, you will have to include the :ref:`navigation <navigation_block>` block for you to go from one page to the next on the individual pages that belong to this collection.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/pages.rst:655 ../source/portfolio/smartevidence.rst:48
Click the *Next: Edit collection pages* button or click *Cancel* if you want to abort adding your collection.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/pages.rst:671 ../source/portfolio/smartevidence.rst:50
Copy a collection
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/collections.rst:70 ../source/portfolio/collections.rst:80
Copy a collection by searching for it
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/collections.rst:73
You can duplicate your own collections or collections of other users if they allowed you to do that. As every page can only be in one collection at a time, your own pages will be copied when you copy a collection.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/collections.rst:75
Click the *Copy a collection* button under *Portfolio → Collections*. On the next screen...
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/collections.rst:82
**Search**: If there are many pages or collections from which you can choose, search here for a keyword in the page or collection title or for the name of the page owner.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../source/portfolio/pages.rst:784
2130 of 738 results

This translation is managed by Andrew Nicols, assigned by Mahara Translation Group.

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