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413 of 102 results
New password
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:24
You can change your Mahara password on the *Settings* page.
あなたは *設定* ページでMaharaのパスワードを変更できます。
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/account_settings.rst:26
Change your password
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:34
**Current password**: Enter your current password.
**現在のパスワード**: あなたの現在のパスワードを入力してください。
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:36
**New password**: Enter your preferred new password.
**新しいパスワード**: あなたの希望する新しいパスワードを入力してください。
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:37
**Confirm password**: Re-enter your new password to confirm its spelling.
**パスワードをもう一度**: 入力内容を確実するため、あなたの新しいパスワードを再度入力してください。
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:40
Make further changes on the page if you wish.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:41
Click the *Save* button at the bottom of the page.
ページ下部の *保存* ボタンをクリックしてください。
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:42
Your password must have a minimum of six characters. Passwords are case sensitive and must be different from your username.
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/preferences.rst:44
If you do not see the *New password* box, you cannot change your password. Your login and password are managed elsewhere. This is the case if your institution has set up single sign-on to other applications for example. If you want to change your password, please contact your institution administrators. They will be able to tell you where you can change your password.
*新しいパスワード* ボックスが表示されない場合、あなたのパスワードは変更できません。あなたのユーザアカウントおよびパスワードは別の場所で管理されます。例えばあなたのインスティテューションがシングルサインオンをセットアップしていることが考えられます。パスワードを変更したい場合、あなたのインスティテューション管理者にご連絡ください。インスティテューション管理者はどこでパスワードを変更できるかあなたに伝えることができます。
Translated and reviewed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in ../source/account/account_settings.rst:40
413 of 102 results

This translation is managed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida, assigned by Mahara Translation Group.

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Contributors to this translation: Kristina Hoeppner, Masayuki Kuwada, Mitsuhiro Yoshida.