Friends control
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php friendsdescr
Ismerősök kezelése
Translated and reviewed by
Gyaraki László
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php friendsdescr
Updated friends control
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php updatedfriendcontrolsetting
(no translation yet)
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php updatedfriendcontrolsetting
HTML editor
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php wysiwygdescr
HTML szerkesztő
Translated and reviewed by
Gyaraki László
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php wysiwygdescr
Default license
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php licensedefault
Alapértelmezett licenc
Translated and reviewed by
Gyaraki László
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php licensedefault
The default license for your content.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php licensedefaultdescription
(no translation yet)
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php licensedefaultdescription
Use the institution default
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php licensedefaultinherit
(no translation yet)
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php licensedefaultinherit
Messages from other people
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php messagesdescr
Üzenenetek más felhasználóktól
Translated by
Gyula Papp
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php messagesdescr
Do not allow anyone to send me messages
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php messagesnobody
Senkinek sem engedem, hogy üzenetet küldjön nekem
Translated and reviewed by
Gyaraki László
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php messagesnobody
Allow people on my friends list to send me messages
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php messagesfriends
Imserőseimnek engedélyezem, hogy üzenetet küldjenek nekem.
Translated by
Gyaraki László
Reviewed by
Lőrik Lajos
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php messagesfriends
Allow anyone to send me messages
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/account.php messagesallow
Bárki küldhet nekem üzenetet
Translated by
Gyaraki László
Reviewed by
Lőrik Lajos
Located in
lang/en.utf8/account.php messagesallow