Translations by xuzhongquan

xuzhongquan has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

51100 of 3799 results
This value cannot be smaller than %d
Your dashboard page is what you see on the homepage when you first log in. Only you have access to it
Topics I'm following
Your profile page is what others see when they click on your name or profile picture
You don't have permission to publish %s
No Country Selected
No institution administrators were found
No institution staff were found
Institution administration
<h3>Choose an optional profile picture</h3><p>You have now successfully registered with %s! You may now choose an optional profile picture to be displayed as your avatar.</p>
<H3>选择一个可选的个人资料图片</ H3> <P>现在,您已经成功注册%s!你现在可以选择将作为您的头像显示一个可选的个人资料图片。</ P>
A broken plugin (%s) was disabled
Admin of %s
<h3>Select all</h3> <p>Select all items currently displayed and remove them from your watchlist.</p>
<H3>选择</ H3> <p>选择当前显示的所有项目,并删除它们从您的监视。</ P>
<h4>Place feedback</h4> <p>Public feedback may be seen by other users with access to the page, while private feedback may only be read by the page owner. A page owner can make public feedback private.</p> <h4>Report objectionable material</h4> <p>You can report material you believe to be objectionable to the site administrator.</p> <h4>Print</h4> <p>The print option will allow you to print a printer-friendly version of the page.</p> <h4>Add page to watchlist</h4> <p>If a page is on your watchlist, you receive a notification when the author changes the page.</p>
<H4>广场反馈</ H4> <P>公众的反馈可以看出,与其他用户访问该页面,而私人的反馈只能由页所有者读取。一个页面,雇主可以使私人公众意见。</ P> <p> 反感的材料></p> <H4>报告</ H4> <P>您认为是不良网站管理员,您可以举报材料。</ P> <H4>打印</ H4> <p>在打印选项将允许您打印页面的一个打印机友好的版本。</ P> <H4>页加入监视列表</ H4> <P>如果一个页面是在您的监视,您会收到通知时更改页面。</ P>
<h3>Site file</h3> <p>You can use a file stored in the "Site file" area as a resource. The display name for the file should be entered into the name field and the desired file selected from the "Linked to" drop-down list.</p>
<H3>网站文件</ H3> <p>您可以使用文件存储在“站点文件”作为一种资源领域。应该文件的显示名称输入到名称字段从“链接到”下拉列表。</ P>选择所需的文件
<h3>Edit</h3> <p>If you need to update a link or change which admin file is shown, use the "Edit" button to update the relevant item.</p>
<H3>编辑</ H3> <p>如果您需要更新的链接或改变管理文件显示,使用“编辑”按钮,以更新有关项目。</ P>
<h3>Edit group</h3> <p>Use the "Edit group" area to change a group&#8217;s settings including name, description and membership mode.</p>
<H3>编辑组</ H3> <p> 使用“编辑组”的面积,改变组的设置,包括名称,描述和成员模式。</ P>
<h3>Template category menu</h3> <p>The templates available on the site are divided into a number of categories. Select a specific category to view those templates listed under that description or choose "All templates" to view all available templates.</p>
<H3>模板类菜单</ H3> <p>在网站上提供的模板被分成若干类别。选择一个特定的类别,以查看在该说明中列出的那些模板或选择“模板”,以查看所有可用的模板。</ P>
<h3>Page details</h3> <p>Here you may give your page a title and description, to give people an idea of what your page is about.</p> <p>You may also tag your page, to make it easier to find when you search your portfolio. If you tag a page with the word "profile", then it will appear in your sidebar, making it easy for you to reach from anywhere in the system.</p>
<H3>页的详细信息</ H3> <p> 在这里,你可以给你的页面标题和描述,让人们知道你的网页是什么。</ P> <p>您也可以标记您的网页,使你更容易找到当你搜索你的投资组合。如果您与“个人资料”字标记的页面,那么它就会出现在你的侧边栏,使您更容易达到从系统中的任何地方。</ P>
<h3>Registration</h3> <p>If your ePortfolio account is not created by your institution, you will need to register yourself. In this case, complete and submit this registration form. An email will be sent to your address. This will contain a clickable link – follow this to confirm your account and log in to the system. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours, please check your email junk filter. If you have any problems registering, please contact the site administrator.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> The email link is only valid for 24 hours. After this you must repeat the process.</p> <p>You will then be prompted to complete any mandatory profile fields, and have the opportunity to upload a profile picture. Once registered, you will need to enter your username and password (and possibly your institution) in order to log in to your portfolio.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> This site requires a current web browser, such as Internet Explorer version 7.0 or higher or any recent version of Firefox, Safari, or Chrome. You must have cookies enabled.</p>
<H3>注册</ H3 > <P>如果你的电子学档的帐户不被机构创建,您将需要注册自己。在这种情况下,完成并提交此登记表格。电子邮件将被发送到你的地址。这将包含一个可点击的链接-遵循这一确认您的帐户,登录到该系统。如果你在24小时内没有收到电子邮件,请检查您的电子邮件的垃圾过滤器。如果您有任何问题,登记,请与网站管理员联系</ P> <p> <strong>注意:</ STRONG>电子邮件中的链接是只适用于24小时内有效。在此之后,你必须重复这个过程。</ P> <P>然后你将被提示完成任何强制性的个人资料栏位,并有机会上传个人资料图片。一旦注册,您将需要输入你的用户名和密码(也可能是您的机构)以登录到你的投资组合</ P> <p> <strong>注意:</ STRONG>本网站需要用当前的网页浏览器,如Internet Explorer版本7.0或更高或任何火狐,Safari或Chrome的最新版本。您必须启用Cookie。</ P>
<h3>Edit page access</h3> <p>You can control who has access to your page and when. By default, only you can see your page. You can share your page with the public, logged-in users, your institution(s), groups or your friends by clicking the appropriate "Add" button. You can also assign access to individual groups or users by using the search tool.</p> <p>Access dates can be set, allowing you to make your page available for a specified period such as a course year, a project timeline, or even for one day only. All dates are optional. Individual users can be granted access by multiple access rules.</p> <p><strong>Example:</strong> Nigel is in the group "The Coolpeople's Club". If you allow him to access your page today, and allow "The Coolpeople's Club" to access your page tomorrow, he will be able to access the page on both days.</p>
<H3>编辑页面访问</ H3 > <P>可以控制谁可以访问您的页面。默认情况下,只有你可以看到你的页面。您可以与公众分享你的页面,登录用户,您的机构(S),团体或你的朋友,通过点击相应的“添加”按钮。您也可以指定获得个人组或用户使用的搜索工具。</ P> <P>访问日期可以设置,让您能够为您的网页,如一个疗程一年的指定期间,项目时间表甚至一天只。所有日期都是可选的。个人用户可被授予多个访问规则访问</ P> <P> <STRONG>范例:</ STRONG>奈杰尔组“该Coolpeople俱乐部”。如果你允许他访问你的页面的今天,并允许“的Coolpeople俱乐部”明天访问您的网页,他将能够访问这两天的页面。</ P>
<h3>My friends</h3> <p>Your "Friends" area displays a list of your friends and the pages that have been shared with you.</p> <p>A user can resubmit a friendship request to you, even if you have previously rejected that user.</p>
<H3>我的朋友</ H3> <p>你的“朋友”区域显示了你的朋友和已经与您共享的网页列表。</ P> <P>用户可以重新提交给你的友谊请求,即使您先前已经拒绝了该用户。</ P>
<h3>Edit page</h3> <p>Designing your page layout enables you to personalise the way in which your resources and information can be displayed. For example if you wish to display only one of your journal entries, click on the "Journals" tab, then drag the "Journal Entry" block into your page area. Remember to click "Save" as you add new elements to your page.</p> <p>As you build up the content of your layout, you can check on how it will look by clicking on "Display page". Click on "Edit this page" to continue editing.</p>
<H3>编辑页面</ H3> <P>页面布局的设计使您的个性化,可以显示在你的资源和信息的方式。例如,如果你想只显示您的一个日记条目,单击“引用”选项卡上,然后将其拖动到您的页面区域“日记条目”块。记得点击“保存”,当你添加新的元素,您的网页。</ P> <p>如您建立布局的内容,你可以检查它的外观如何通过点击“显示页面”。点击“编辑此页面”继续编辑。</ P>
<h3>Secret URL</h3> <p>If you don't want everyone to be able to see your page, but you would like to show it to a few people who are not registered on this site, then you can make your page visible to the public through a special link which is difficult to guess. You can let your friends know about your page by pasting the link into an email.</p>
<H3>秘密URL </ H3> <P>如果你不希望每个人都能够看到您的网页,但你 想展示给一名未注册这几个人 网站,那么你可以使您的网页可见市民通过 特殊的连接,这是难以猜测。你可以让你的朋友 知道你的页面的链接粘贴到电子邮件中。</ P>
<h3>Find friends</h3> <p>This page lets you search for users to add as friends. Depending on their friendship control settings, you may be automatically accepted as their friend or you may need to send a friendship request. Some users may not allow friendship requests at all.</p> <p>When sending a friendship request, you can choose to include a short message introducing yourself. This is especially important if you have a display name set, as others will not see your real name.</p>
<H3>查找朋友</ H3> <p>这个页面,让您的搜索为用户添加为朋友。根据他们的友谊控制设置,你可以自动接受作为他们的朋友或你可能需要发送一个友好请求。一些用户可能不允许友谊。</ P> <P> 请求发送一个友好请求时,你可以选择包括短消息,介绍自己。如果你有一个显示名称设置,这一点尤其重要,因为别人不会看到您的真实姓名。</ P>
<h3>Activity type</h3> <p>Select from this drop-down menu the notification type you wish to view.</p> <p><strong>New forum post:</strong>notification of a new post to a forum topic you have subscribed to</p> <p><strong>Feedback:</strong> notification of any feedback or comments received on any pages, artefacts or journals within your ePortfolio</p> <p><strong>Group message:</strong> notification sent to group owners when new pages are submitted to a group</p> <p><strong>System message:</strong> automatically generated by the system or sent to you by one of the site administrators</p> <p><strong>Message from other users:</strong> sent to you directly from other users of the site</p> <p><strong>New page access:</strong> notification that you or one of your groups have been given access to a new or existing non-public page</p> <p><strong>Watchlist:</strong> notification of activity on any artefact, page, group or journal you are monitoring</p>
<H3>活动类型</ H3> <P>从这个下拉菜单中选择您要查看的通知类型</ P> <P> <strong>新论坛的帖子:</ STRONG>一个新的岗位的通知一个论坛主题,您已订阅</ P> <P> <STRONG>反馈:</ STRONG>任何意见或任何网页,文物或期刊内收到您的电子学档的意见的通知</ P> <p> <STRONG>集团信息:</ STRONG> 组业主发送到新的网页时,提交到一个组的通知></ P> <P> <STRONG>系统消息:</ STRONG>由系统自动生成或发送给你一个网站管理员</ STRONG></ P> <p>从其他用户的<strong>消息:</ STRONG>发送给您直接 <P> <strong>新的页面访问该网站的其他用户</ P> <p>你或你的团体已进入到一个新的或现有的非公有制页的通知</ P> <p><STRONG>关注:</ STRONG>任何的假象,页面,组或杂志上的活动的通知监测</ P>
<h3>Collection details</h3> <p>Here you may give your collection a title and description, to give people an idea of what your collection is about.</p>
<H3>收集详细资料</ H3> <P>在这里,你可以给您的收藏标题和描述,给人们你收集的想法。</ P>
<h3>Collection pages</h3> <p>Here you can add pages to your collection and set the order in which they will be displayed in the page navigation.</p> <p>When you add a page to your collection, the access permissions attached to the page will be added to the entire collection.</p>
<H3>收集网页</ H3> <P>的在这里你可以添加页面到您的收藏和设置在其中,他们将被显示在页面导航。</ P> <p>为了当您添加到您的收藏页添加到整个集合,将附着在页面的访问权限。</ P>
<h3>Links and resources menu</h3> <p>Within your Mahara installation it is possible to have a "Links and resources" menu for both public and logged-in users. This menu is shown to all users on most pages, allowing you to link to useful and important pages and documents.</p>
<H3>链接和资源的菜单</ H3> <p>马哈拉安装在您很可能有一个“链接和资源的”公共和登录用户菜单。此菜单显示大多数网页上的所有用户,允许你链接到有用的和重要的网页和文件。</ P>
<h3>Site pages</h3> <p>The core pages of a Mahara installation may be edited dynamically by a site administrator. If you wish to customise the content of a core page (About, Home, Logged-Out Home, Privacy Statement, Terms and Conditions and the Upload Copyright Statement) from the default text, select the page you wish to modify and edit it using the HTML editor. Ensure you save your changes before loading another editable page or exiting the site pages area.</p>
<H3>网站页面</ H3> <P>马哈拉安装一个核心页面可以编辑动态网站管理员。如果你想定制一个核心页面(公司简介,主页,登录首页,隐私声明,条款和条件及上传版权声明)从默认的文本内容,选择你想修改和编辑它使用的页面HTML编辑器。加载另一个编辑页面或退出网站页面区域之前,确保您保存您的更改。</ P>
<h3>Show information about this site on the homepage</h3> <p>If "On", information about this site and what can be done with it will be displayed on the homepage above the user's dashboard items.</p>
<H3>关于此网站在主页上显示的信息</ H3> <P>如果值为“ON”,关于这个网站的信息和可以用它做什么将上述用户的仪表板项目的网页上显示。</ P>
<h3>Admin users</h3> <p>Admin access allows a user to do anything and go anywhere on the site. Administrators cannot directly see any user's pages, although they can log in as other users to do this if necessary. "Site Administrator is the top role on the site - be careful who you trust with it!</p> <p>To assign a user admin access, select them from the list of "Potential admins" and use the right-arrow button to move them to the "Current admin" list. To remove admin access from a user, select their name from the "Current admins" list and using the left-arrow button move them back to the "Potential admins" list.</p> <p>Where there are more than 250 user accounts created on the site, you will need to search for a specific user using the search box. You can also select multiple users at once using Ctrl and Shift select and click.</p> <p>There must be at least one administrator assigned to the system.</p>
<H3> Admin用户</ H3> <P>管理员权限允许用户做任何事情,去网站上的任何地方。管理员不能直接看到任何用户的网页,虽然他们可以为其他用户在登录做到这一点,如果必要。“网站管理员在网站上的顶级角色-小心你信任它</ P> <P>要指定一个用户管理员权限,从名单中选择“潜力管理员”,使用右箭头按钮将它们移动到“当前管理员”名单。要删除用户的管理员权限,从“当前管理员”列表中选择他们的名字,并使用左箭头按钮,将他们带回的“潜在管理员”清单。</ P > <P>凡有超过250个用户在网站上创建的帐户,你将需要寻找一个特定的用户使用搜索框。您也可以选择多个用户一旦使用Ctrl和Shift键选择,然后按一下。</ P > <P>必须有至少有一个分配给系统管理员。</ P>
<h3>Plugin administration</h3> <p>The "Plugin administration" area lists all the plugins currently installed on your Mahara site and provides a link to the plugin configuration settings for site customisation, where available.</p>
<H3>插件管理</ H3 > <P>“插件管理”区域列出了所有目前安装您马哈拉网站上的插件,并提供一个链接的网站自定义插件的配置设置。</ P>
<h3>Admin notifications</h3> <p>The "Admin notifications" page lists all users with admin access on your site and their selected activity preference for all admin notifications. There should be at least one administrator receiving each type of message generated.</p>
<H3>管理通知</ H3> <p> “ 管理的通知”的页面列出了所有用户管理员访问您的网站,其所有管理的通知“中所选的活动偏好。应该是至少有一个管理员接收每个类型的消息产生。</ P>
<h3>Institutions</h3> <p>The "Institutions" page allows you to edit existing and set up new institutions associated with your site. Institutions are largely containers for users that can have their own administrators and staff members, leaving the site admin free to deal with running the site.</p>
<H3>机构</ H3> <p>该“机构”页面允许您编辑现有的和与您的网站相关的新机构成立。机构是主要用户,可以有自己的管理员和工作人员的容器,离开站点管理员处理网站运行。</ P>
<h3>Messages from other users</h3> <p>Use this setting to choose who you wish to receive messages from.</p> <p>Use the activity preferences area to decide how you will receive these messages.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> These restrictions will not apply to site administrators or staff.</p>
<H3>其他用户的消息</ H3的> <P>使用此设定,选择你想接收消息。</ p> <P>使用的活动面积的喜好来决定你将如何接收这些消息。</ p> <P> <STRONG>注意:</ STRONG>这些限制将不适用于网站管理员或工作人员</ p>
<h3>HTML editor</h3> <p>An HTML editor is available in some sections of the site. This is known as a ‘What you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG) editor. This allows you to apply formatting to your text, e.g. bold or italics. If the editor is turned off, you can only enter plain text.</p> <p>This setting might be disabled by a site admin.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong>HTML editors may appear and work slightly differently in some browsers.</p>
<H3> HTML编辑器</ H3> <p>HTML编辑器是在网站的部分路段。这被称为“你看到的就是你得到的(所见即所得)编辑器。这允许你申请格式文本,如粗体或斜体。如果编辑器是关闭的,你可以只输入纯文本</ P> <P>由站点管理员可能会禁用此设置</ P> <p> <strong>注意:</ STRONG> HTML编辑器,可出现,并在某些浏览器略有不同。</ P>
<h3>Settings</h3> <p>The settings area lets you change your username and password and configure how you use the site.</p> <p>Accounts automatically expire after a period of time specified by your site administrator. You will be warned of an upcoming account expiry and told how to save your portfolio.</p> <p><strong>Note:</strong> It is important to save each new entry using the button at the foot of the page.</p>
<H3>设置</ H3> <P>面积的设置可以让你改变你的用户名和密码,并配置您如何使用该网站。</ P> <p>自动失效后,您的网站管理员所指定的时间期间帐户。你会被警告即将到来的帐户届满,并告诉如何保存你的投资组合</ P> <P> <strong>注意:</ STRONG>使用在页脚下的按钮,重要的是要节省每一个新入职</ P>
<h3>Show controls to add and remove columns when editing a page</h3> <p>You can choose to display a row with the buttons <img src="../../theme/raw/static/images/btn_addcolumn_left.png" alt="add"> and <img src="../../theme/raw/static/images/btn_removecolumn.png" alt="remove"> in the page editor. These buttons add and remove columns from that page when you click on them.</p> <p>Even if not enabled, you can change the number of columns for your page in the page layout section.</p>
<H3>显示控制来新增和删除列在编辑页面</ H3 <P>你可以选择按钮<img src="../../theme/raw/static/images/btn_addcolumn_left.png" alt="add">和<IMG SRC =“。。/。。/主题/原料/静态/图像/ btn_removecolumn.png“ALT =”删除“>在页面编辑器。当你点击这些按钮新增和删除。</ p> <P>即使没有启用,你可以改变你的页面的列5.3,在“页面布局”部分。</ p>
<h3>Friends control</h3> <p>Choose whether other users may add you to their friends list. If you are added to a friends list, the owner of that list is added to your list as well. When you remove someone from your friends list, you are also removed from their list. Choose either:</p> <p><strong>Nobody may add me as a friend:</strong> no one may add you to their list.</p> <p><strong>New friends require my authorisation:</strong> your authorisation is needed for you to be added to a list. If you approve, they will be added to your list.</p> <p><strong>New friends are automatically authorised:</strong> anyone may add you to their list.</p>
<H3>朋友控制</ H3> <P>选择其他用户是否可以添加你给他们的朋友列表。如果你添加到好友列表,该列表的所有者被添加到您的清单以及当你从你的好友名单中删除的人,你也从他们的名单中删除。选择:</ P> <P>的<strong>没有人可以添加我作为一个朋友:</ STRONG>没有人可以添加你自己的清单</ P> <P> <strong>新朋友需要我的授权: </ STRONG>您的授权是必要的,你可以添加到列表。如果你同意,他们将被添加到列表</ P> <P> <STRONG>自动授权新朋友:</ STRONG>任何人都可以添加你到他们自己的清单</ P>
<h3>Language</h3> <p>You may be able to customise the language in which your menu items and contextual help will appear. Contact your site administrator if you have any questions.</p>
<H3>语言</ H3> <p>您可能能够自定义的语言,会出现在你的菜单项和上下文帮助。联系您的网站管理员,如果您有任何问题。</ P>
<h3>Theme</h3> <p>Where multiple themes have been installed, you will be able to select via drop-down menu which theme to apply to your Mahara site. This theme will be the default theme shown to logged-out users.</p> <p>Institutions can also have a default theme set, which is shown to users in that institution who are logged in. You can configure themes for institutions in the <a href="../users/institutions.php">Manage Institutions</a> section.
<H3>主题</ H3> <P>已经安装了多个主题,您将可以选择通过下拉菜单的主题适用于您的马哈拉网站。这个主题将显示登录用户的默认主题。</ P> <P>机构也可以有一个默认主题设置,这是显示用户在该记录。您可以配置机构为主题的机构的的<a href="../users/institutions.php">管理机构</ a>一节。</p>
<h3>HTML editor</h3> <p>This defines whether the HTML editor is used by default. If set to <b>User defined</b>, users will be allowed to choose whether to use the HTML editor in their personal settings or not. Otherwise the specified setting will be used site-wide.</p>
<H3> HTML编辑器</ H3> <P>这个定义是否默认使用的HTML编辑器。如果设置为<b>用户自定义</ B>,将允许用户选择是否在他们的个人设置或不使用HTML编辑器。否则指定的设置将用于网站。</ P>
<h3>Email</h3> <p>Use this setting to stop this site from sending the user email.</p>
<H3>电子邮件</ H3的> <P>使用此设定,以阻止本网站的使用者发送电子邮件。</ p>
<h3>System mail address</h3> <p>This email address is the address that emails are sent from when using Mahara.</p> <p>This field may be disabled if overridden by a setting in your config.php file.</p>
<H3>系统邮件地址</H3> <p>系统的邮件地址,电子邮件地址是使用马哈拉时发送。</ P> <P>此字段可能会被禁用的设置,在你的config.php如果重写文件。</ P>
<h3>Display remote avatars</h3> <p>If this option is enabled, the <a href="">Gravatar</a> online service will be used to display profile pictures for users who don't have one set in Mahara. This allows users to set their profile picture once on the Gravatar site instead of having to do it on every Mahara and online service individually. If Gravatar doesn't have a picture for that user, then the default Mahara picture will be shown.</p> <h4>Reasons to turn it off</h4> <p>This option should be disabled in installations such as locked-down intranets where <b>users don't have access to the wider Internet</b>. Using Gravatar in such an environment would simply add extra delays.</p> <p>Also, for <b>sites delivered over https</b>, enabling Gravatar profile pictures might trigger security warnings on some browsers. This is due to the fact that Gravatar images are served via normal unencrypted http.</p> <h4>Custom avatar server</h4> <p>If you have a custom avatar server which implements the Gravatar protocol, you may specify its base URL in your config.php file:</p> <p><code>$cfg->remoteavatarbaseurl = '';</code></p>
<H3>显示远程替身</ H3> <p>如果启用此选项 ,<a href="">gravatar </ A>在线服务将被用来显示个人资料图片为用户谁没有一集 马哈拉。这允许用户设置的gravatar网站上有个别做每个马哈拉和在线服务,而不是他们的个人资料图片一次。gravatar如果没有该用户的图片,然后将默认马哈拉图片所示。</ P> <H4>原因将其关闭</ H4> <P>这个选项应该被禁用如锁定装置 内部网,其中<B>用户没有获得更广泛的互联网</ B>。在这样的环境中使用的gravatar只需添加额外的延迟。</ P> <P><B>网站</ B>gravatar个人资料图片可能引发的安全警告,一些浏览器通过HTTPS交付。这是由于这一事实,通过正常的送达的gravatar图像未加密的HTTP。</ P> <H4>自定义头像的服务器</ H4> <P>如果你有一个自定义头像的服务器实现的gravatar 协议,你可以指定其基地的config.php文件的URL:</ P> <P><code> $ CFG-> remoteavatarbaseurl =''; </code> </ P>
<h3>Send weekly updates</h3> <p>If you tick &quot;send weekly updates&quot;, Mahara will automatically send an update to once a week with updated information about your installation.</p> <p>The information sent is high-level statistical information - no personal information about any of your users is sent. You can review the type of information that is sent before you register your Mahara site (which you can do from the admin homepage).</p>
<H3>发送每周更新</ H3> <p>如果你勾选“发送每周更新”,马哈拉将自动发送更新与更新有关安装的信息。</ P> <p>mahara.org一个星期 一次发送的信息是高层次的统计信息-没有任何用户的个人信息被发送。您可以查看的信息类型,发送之前,您登记您的的马哈拉网站(你可以从管理网页)。</ P>
<h3>SMTP host</h3> <p>If you want to force Mahara to use a specific SMTP server instead of the system one, enter its hostname here.</p> <p>It is possible to specify more than one host by separating them with semicolons, e.g. <em>;</em>, but keep in mind that all other settings (e.g. authentication credentials and port numbers) will apply to all listed servers. It is not possible to specify different credentials for each server in this list. This feature is useful when SMTP host authentication is not required or you list different frontends for the same mail server in which case other settings will work.</p> <p>This field may be disabled if overridden by a setting in your config.php file.</p>
<H3> SMTP主机</ H3> <p>如果你要强制马哈拉使用系统之一,而不是特定的SMTP服务器,进入它的主机名。</ P> <P>它可以指定多个主机用分号分开,例如<em>; </ em>的,但要记住,所有其他设置(例如身份验证凭据和端口号),将适用于所有列出的服务器。这是不可能的,在此列表中的每个服务器指定不同的凭据。SMTP主机认证时不要求你列出的其他设置将相同的邮件服务器,在这种情况下,不同的前端。</ P> <p>本场可能被禁止在您的配置设置,如果重写此功能非常有用。 php文件。</ P>
<h3>Site name</h3> <p>As the name of your Mahara installation, the site name is shown in certain places around the site as well as in system-generated messages.</p> <p>This field may be disabled if overridden by a setting in your config.php file.</p>
<H3>网站名称</ H3> <p>由于您的马哈拉安装的名称,站点名称显示在工地附近的一些地方以及系统生成的邮件。</ P> <P>此领域被禁用,如果您的config.php文件设置覆盖。</ P>
<h3>SMTP port</h3> <p>If your SMTP server uses a port number different from 25, you may specify it here.</p> <p>When encryption is enabled, the default ports are 465 for SSL and 587 for TLS. You only need to specify a port number if it's different from these. Check the correct settings with your mail service provider.</p> <p>This field may be disabled if overridden by a setting in your config.php file.</p>
<H3> SMTP端口</ H3> <p> 如果您的SMTP服务器使用的端口号不是25,你可以指定它在这里。</ P> <P>启用加密时,默认端口为SSL 465 587为TLS。你只需要指定一个端口号,如果是从这些不同的。检查您的邮件服务提供商的正确设置。</ P> <p>这个领域可能会被禁用,如果重写您的config.php文件设置。</ P>