Browsing Russian translation

These translations are shared with dctrl-tools in Ubuntu Plucky template dctrl-tools.

101109 of 109 results
Specify the format of the output file
Определите формат выходного файла
Translated and reviewed by Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:43
malformed argument to '-a'
неправильный аргумент для '-a'
Translated and reviewed by Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:81
the join field of the first file has already been specified
входящие поля первого файла уже определены
Translated and reviewed by Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:88
the join field of the second file has already been specified
входящие поля второго файла уже определены
Translated and reviewed by Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:89
missing '.' in output field specification
пропущена '.' в спецификации выходной области
Translated and reviewed by Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:128
expected either '1.' or '2.' at the start of the field specification
в начале области спецификации ожидается либо '1.', либо '2.'
Translated and reviewed by Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:146
join-dctrl -- join two Debian control files
join-dctrl -- объединить два управляющих файла Debian
Translated and reviewed by cmdrhenner
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:267
need exactly two input files
нужно два входных файла
Translated and reviewed by Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:286
cannot join a stream with itself
не могу присоединится к своему собственному потоку
Translated and reviewed by Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov
Located in join-dctrl/join-dctrl.c:311
101109 of 109 results

This translation is managed by translation group debian-translation-group.

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Contributors to this translation: Dmitry DeXPeriX Hrabrov, Eugene, Yuri Kozlov, cmdrhenner, law, Александр AldeX Крылов.