Translations by Will van der Leij
Will van der Leij has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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1. |
Assembly Manual
2006-06-02 |
Montering Gids
2. |
Building a Freedom Toaster
2006-06-02 |
Die bou van 'n Freedom Toaster
3. |
<firstname>Sean</firstname> <surname>Wheller</surname>
2006-06-02 |
<firstname>Sean</firstname> <surname>Wheller</surname>
4. |
2006-06-02 |
5. |
2006-06-02 |
6. |
A Freedom Toaster is physically comprise of the items listed in <xref linkend="bom"/>. Majority of the parts listed are off-the-shelf consumer products. They can be sources from building, electrical or computer supply stores. A few of the parts are bespoke items. In order to assemble a Freedom Toaster raw materials will need to be fashioned to specification.
2006-06-02 |
'n Freedom Toaster bestaan fisies uit die items gelys in <xref linked="bom"/>. Meeste van dei parte gelys is van-die-rak-af verbruiker produkte. Hulle kan van bou, elektries of rekenaar winkels verskaf word. Sommige van die parte is sal op bestelling gemaak moet word. Ten einde 'n Freedom Toaster saam te stel, rou materiale sal benodig wees wat volgens spesifikasie verwaardig is.
7. |
2006-06-02 |
8. |
This document explains how to assemble the physical housing and computer equipment that comprise a Freedom Toaster, it also provides the specifications and instructions required in order to make those parts that are bespoke and cannot be bought from a supply-store.
2006-06-02 |
Hierdie dokument verduidelik hoe om die fisiese behuising en rekenaar toerusting saam te stel wat 'n Freedom Toaster bevat. Dit maak ook voorsiening vir die spesifikasies en instruksies om daardie parte wat op maat gemaak moet word en nie van 'n verskaffers winkel gekoop kan word nie.
9. |
Please note that this document does not include instructions on how to install, configure or maintain any of the software components of the Freedom Toaster. For information on these and other subjects that may be of interest to a Freedom Toaster guardian see <xref linkend="docs"/>.
2006-06-02 |
Neem asseblief kennis daarvan dat hierdie dokument nie instruksies insluit hoe om enige van die sagteware komponente van 'n Freedom Toaster to installeer, konfigureer of te handhaaf nie. Vir informasie op die of ander onderwerpe wat van moontlikke belang kan wees vir 'n Freedom Toaster voog, sien <xref linked="docs"/>.
10. |
2006-06-02 |
11. |
Building a Freedom Toaster requires basic workshop skills and the application of logic. No further skills are required.
2006-06-02 |
Die bou van 'n Freedom Toaster vereis basies werkswinkel vaardighede en die applikasie van logika. Geen verder vaardighede word vereis.
12. |
Associated Documentation
2006-06-02 |
Geassosieerde Dokumentasie
13. |
The following documents are associated with this document:
2006-06-02 |
Die volgende dokumente id geassosieer met die dokument
14. |
&installation-desc; &maintenance-desc; &customization-desc; &user-desc;
2006-06-02 |
&installation-desc; &maintenance-desc; &customization-desc; &user-desc;
15. |
Tools Required
2006-06-02 |
Gereedskappe vereis
16. |
1 X Philips Screw Driver
2006-06-02 |
1 X Philips Skroewerdraaier
17. |
1 X Flat Head Screw Driver
2006-06-02 |
1 X Platkop Skroewerdraaier
18. |
2006-06-02 |
2006-06-02 |
19. |
Contact Glue
2006-06-02 |
20. |
Allen Key 4-5/32"
2006-06-02 |
Allensleutel 4-5/32"
24. |
1 inch Paint Brush
2006-06-02 |
1 duim Verfborsel
25. |
HB Pencil
2006-06-02 |
HB Potlood
26. |
1 meter length of string
2006-06-02 |
1 meter lang toutjie
30. |
2006-06-02 |
32. |
2006-06-02 |
34. |
2006-06-02 |
35. |
or equivalent
2006-06-02 |
of ekwivalent
37. |
Intel Pentium4 3.0GHz (1MB)
2006-06-02 |
Intel Pentium4 3.0GHz (1MB)
38. |
Transcend 512MB400
2006-06-02 |
Transcend 512MB400
39. |
Seagate 120GB Serial ATA Drive
2006-06-02 |
Seagate 120GB Serial ATA Skyf
40. |
Gigabyte CD-Writer
2006-06-02 |
Gigabyte CD-Skrywer
41. |
2006-06-02 |
47. |
Colour 16.7M
2006-06-02 |
Kleur 16.7M
56. |
2006-06-02 |
57. |
2006-06-02 |
60. |
1.2m x 1m
2006-06-02 |
1.2m x 1m
61. |
12mm Supawood
2006-06-02 |
12mm Supawood
63. |
1.8m x 700mm
2006-06-02 |
1.8m x 700mm
64. |
1.8m x 300mm
2006-06-02 |
1.8m x 300mm
66. |
1.8m x 502mm
2006-06-02 |
1.8m x 502mm
68. |
1.8m x 672mm
2006-06-02 |
1.8m x 672mm
75. |
2006-06-02 |
85. |
In manufacturing these items you may wish to use the services of a person or company with workshop facilities.
2006-06-02 |
In die vervaardiging van hierdie items, sal jy dalk die dienste van 'n persoon of maatskappy met werkswinkel fasiliteite gebruik maak.
88. |
Using the measurements in the following diagram, follow the procedures below.
2006-06-02 |
Gebruik die metings in die volgende diagram, volg die prosedures daarna.
93. |
Draw a line 35mm along each side of the length.
2006-06-02 |
Teken 'n 35mm lyn langs elke kant van die lengte.