Browsing Ukrainian translation

110 of 2003 results

To view more details of this issue, or to update it, please visit the following URL
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

Перейдіть за посиланням, щоб отримати більше інформації про запит.
Translated and reviewed by Leonid
Located in templates/notifications/new_auto_created_issue.tpl.text:17
"%s" was not valid Issue Id and was removed.
(no translation yet)
Located in src/Model/Repository/IssueAssociationRepository.php:228
#%1 - Add Time Tracking
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/time_tracking_entry.tpl.html:4
#%1 - Edit Time Tracking
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/time_tracking_entry.tpl.html:6
#%1$s - %2$s
TRANSLATORS: Page HTML title: %1 = issue id, %2 = issue summary
#%1$s - %2$s
Translated and reviewed by Leonid
Located in src/Controller/ViewController.php:164
% Complete
% завершено
Translated and reviewed by Leonid
Located in lib/eventum/class.display_column.php:182
%1 Field
%1 Поле
Translated and reviewed by Leonid
Located in templates/manage/field_display.tpl.html:20
%1 has been PURPOSELY TAKEN OFFLINE for maintenance. Please check back later.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/maintenance.tpl.html:6
%1$s Group
%1$s Группа
Translated and reviewed by Leonid
Located in lib/eventum/class.filter.php:702
%1$s or greater
%1$s чи більше
Translated and reviewed by Leonid
Located in lib/eventum/class.filter.php:629
110 of 2003 results

No translation group has been assigned.

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Contributors to this translation: Leonid, Raa, mamay.