Browsing German translation

680689 of 2003 results
If you check this, you cannot leave a copy of messages on the server.
Falls Sie dies aktivieren, können Sie keine Kopien von Nachrichten auf dem Server hinterlegen.
Translated by Christian Lins
Reviewed by Ghenrik
Located in templates/manage/email_accounts.tpl.html:209
If you close this window, you will lose any uploaded attachments.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/send.tpl.html:68
If you don't know who should be the assigned person for this new issue, assign it to your Project Lead.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/help/report_assignment.tpl.html:6
Ignore Issue Status Changes
Ignorieren Sie die Problem-Status-Änderungen
Translated and reviewed by Jonas Kern
Located in templates/reports/weekly.tpl.html:94
Ignoring issue #%d because it was found in the list of already triggered issues
(no translation yet)
Located in src/Command/CheckRemindersCommand.php:128
Important Notices
Wichtige Notizen
Translated by Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn
Located in templates/news.tpl.html:8
In Notification List
In Benachrichtigungsliste
Translated by Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn
Located in lib/eventum/class.filter.php:830 templates/adv_search.tpl.html:193
In Past
Translated by Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn
Located in templates/adv_search.tpl.html:215 templates/adv_search.tpl.html:239 templates/adv_search.tpl.html:262 templates/adv_search.tpl.html:286 templates/adv_search.tpl.html:310
In Past %1$s hours
In den letzten %1$s Stunden
Translated and reviewed by Hartmut Holzgraefe
Located in lib/eventum/class.filter.php:655
In order for %1 to work properly, you must enable cookie support in your browser. Please login again and accept all cookies coming from it.
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/index.tpl.html:55
680689 of 2003 results

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Contributors to this translation: Chris Bailey, Christian Lins, Daniel Winzen, Dennis Baudys, Dieter Soost, GamerFac3, Gerrit Günther, Ghenrik, Hartmut Holzgraefe, Jens Maucher, Jonas Kern, Keruskerfuerst, Marc Ramser, Marcel Schmücker, Matthias Loidolt, Maximilian Heyne, Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn, Tobias Bannert, cmdrhenner, jwerner, schulz3000, sezgin, vulpecula.