Browsing German translation

14341443 of 2003 results
Sorry, but the email could not be queued. This might be related to problems with your SMTP account settings.
Entschuldigung, aber die E-Mail konnte nicht eingereiht werden. Dies hängt möglicherweise mit Problemen mit Ihren SMTP-Kontoeinstellungen zusammen.
Translated by Christian Lins
Reviewed by Dennis Baudys
Located in templates/send.tpl.html:15
Sorry, but there are no projects currently setup as allowing anonymous posting.
Leider ist derzeit kein Projekt für anonyme Benutzung konfiguriert.
Translated by Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn
Located in templates/post.tpl.html:11
Sorry, but this feature has been disabled by the administrator.
Diese Funktion wurde vom Administrator leider deaktiviert.
Translated by Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn
Located in src/Controller/SignupController.php:68 templates/emails.tpl.html:24 templates/signup.tpl.html:8
Sorry, but you do not have access to this page.
Sie haben leider nicht die erforderlichen Rechte für diese Seite.
Translated by Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn
Located in templates/emails.tpl.html:35
Sorry, there was an error logging you in: %1
(no translation yet)
Located in templates/authentication_error.tpl.html:4
Sorry, there was an error setting the access level
(no translation yet)
Located in src/Controller/AccessController.php:90
Sorry, there was an error updating your information
(no translation yet)
Located in src/Controller/PreferencesController.php:99
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
(no translation yet)
Located in src/Controller/BaseController.php:73 src/Controller/Manage/UsersController.php:86 src/Controller/Manage/UsersController.php:125
Sorry, you can't update issue if it's locked by another user
(no translation yet)
Located in src/Controller/UpdateController.php:139
Sorry, you cannot perform that action.
(no translation yet)
Located in src/Controller/Manage/UsersController.php:93
14341443 of 2003 results

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Contributors to this translation: Chris Bailey, Christian Lins, Daniel Winzen, Dennis Baudys, Dieter Soost, GamerFac3, Gerrit Günther, Ghenrik, Hartmut Holzgraefe, Jens Maucher, Jonas Kern, Keruskerfuerst, Marc Ramser, Marcel Schmücker, Matthias Loidolt, Maximilian Heyne, Ralf Kühnbaum-Grashorn, Tobias Bannert, cmdrhenner, jwerner, schulz3000, sezgin, vulpecula.