Translations by alasdair caimbeul

alasdair caimbeul has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

14 of 4 results
Record your encryption passphrase
Clàraich an abairt-leig-le crioptachadh agad
To encrypt your home directory or "Private" folder, a strong passphrase has been automatically generated. Usually your directory is unlocked with your user password, but if you ever need to manually recover this directory, you will need this passphrase. Please print or write it down and store it in a safe location. If you click "Run this action now", enter your login password at the "Passphrase" prompt and you can display your randomly generated passphrase. Otherwise, you will need to run "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase" from the command line to retrieve and record your generated passphrase.
Airson crioptachadh do eòlaire dachaigh no pasgan “Prìobhaideach”, bha abairt-leig-le làidir air a chruthachadh gu fèin-obrachail, Gu àbhaisteach tha a ghlais air a thoirt bhod eòlaire còmhla le do fhacal-faire a' chleachdaiche, ach ma dh'fheumas tu a riamh ag aisig an eòlaire seo, feumaidh tu an abairt-leig-le seo. Clò-bhuail sibh e no sgrìobh sìos e agus stòr e ann àite sàbhailte. Ma briogaidh tu “Ruith an gnìomh seo an dràsta” cuir do facail-faire log a-steach aig brodadh an “Abairt-leig-le” agus faodaidh tu fhoillseachadh do abairt-leig-le cruthaichte gu tuairmeasach . No, feumaidh tu ruith "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase" bhon an loidhne-àithne airson a thoirt air ais agus clàradh do abairt-leig-le cruthaichte.
Access Your Private Data
Fosgladh do dàta prìobhaideach
Setup Your Encrypted Private Directory
Stèidhich do eòlaire prìobhaideach