Install Adobe Flash?
Vil du installera Adobe Flash?
Translated by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Suggestions: |
Vil du installere Adobe Flash?
Norwegian Bokmal
democracyplayer in Miro 2.5
Will Guaraldi Kahn-Greene
Located in
For the best %(appname)s experience, we suggest you install Adobe Flash. Would you like to do this now?
For best mogleg brukaroppleving av %(appname)s bør du installera Adobe Flash. Ønskjer du å gjera dette no?
Translated by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Suggestions: |
For å få en best mulig brukeropplevelse av %(appname)s bør du installere Adobe Flash. Ønsker du å gjøre dette nå?
Norwegian Bokmal
democracyplayer in Miro 2.5
Will Guaraldi Kahn-Greene
Located in
Install Adobe Flash
Installer Adobe Flash
Translated by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Located in
Your browser will load the web-site where you can download and install Adobe Flash.

You should quit %(appname)s now and start it up again after Adobe Flash has been installed.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Nettlesaren din vil no lasta nettsida der du kan lasta ned og installera Adobe Flash.

Du bør avslutta %(appname)s no, og starta programmet på nytt etter at Adobe Flash er installert.
Translated and reviewed by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Suggestions: |
Nettleseren din vil nå laste nettsiden der du kan laste ned og installere Adobe Flash.

Du bør avslutte %(appname)s nå, og starte programmet på nytt etter at Adobe Flash er installert.
Norwegian Bokmal
democracyplayer in Miro 2.5
| msgid ""
| "Your browser will load the web-site where you can download and install "
| "Adobe Flash.\n"
| "\n"
| "You should quit Miro now and start it up again after Adobe Flash has been "
| "installed."
Located in
When I click the red close button:
Når eg trykkjer på den raude lukk-knappen:
Translated by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Reviewed by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Suggestions: |
Når jeg trykker lukk-knappen:
Norwegian Bokmal
democracyplayer in Miro 2.5
Will Guaraldi Kahn-Greene
Located in
Close to tray so that downloads can continue.
Minimer til systemtrauet, slik at nedlastingane kan halda fram.
Translated and reviewed by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Suggestions: |
Lukk til oppgavefeltet slik at nedlastinger kan fortsette.
Norwegian Bokmal
democracyplayer in Miro 2.5
Will Guaraldi Kahn-Greene
Located in
Quit %(appname)s completely.
Avslutt %(appname)s fullstendig.
Translated and reviewed by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
| msgid "Quit Miro completely."
Located in
Close to tray?
Minimer til systemtrau?
Translated and reviewed by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Suggestions: |
Minimer til oppgavefelt
Norwegian Bokmal
democracyplayer in Miro 2.5
Located in
When you click the red close button, would you like %(appname)s to close to the system tray or quit? You can change this setting later in the Options.
Når du trykkjer den raude lukkeknappen, vil du at %(appname)s skal minimerast til eit ikon i systemtrauet, eller avslutta heilt? Du kan endra denne innstillinga seinare under «Innstillingar».
Translated and reviewed by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Suggestions: |
Når du trykker den røde lukkeknappen, vil du at %(appname)s skal minimeres til et ikon i systemfeltet, eller avslutte helt? Du kan endre denne innstillingen senere under «Innstillinger».
Norwegian Bokmal
democracyplayer in Miro 2.5
| msgid ""
| "When you click the red close button, would you like Miro to close to the "
| "system tray or quit? You can change this setting later in the Options."
Located in
Error Bombing Item
Feil ved bombing
Translated and reviewed by
Karl Ove Hufthammer
Located in