Translations by Michael

Michael has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 183 results
This package contains the development files and examples.
This package contains the development files and examples.
Developer tools and Policy for spelling dictionary tools
Developer tools and Policy for spelling dictionary tools
Full text of the Debian Spelling Dictionaries and Tools Policy and some debhelper like helpers.
Full text of the Debian Spelling Dictionaries and Tools Policy and some debhelper like helpers.
Only of interest for those developers maintaining Debian ispell, myspell or wordlist dictionaries.
Only of interest for those developers maintaining Debian ispell, myspell or wordlist dictionaries.
Maintainers should install dictionaries-common-dev as well, and read its documentation.
Maintainers should install dictionaries-common-dev as well, and read its documentation.
simple mail user agent
simple mail user agent
Informational list of build-essential packages
Informational list of build-essential packages
This package contains the command line interface. Features: - built-in support for various archive formats, including Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, OLE2, Cabinet, CHM, BinHex, SIS and others; - built-in support for almost all mail file formats; - built-in support for ELF executables and Portable Executable files compressed with UPX, FSG, Petite, NsPack, wwpack32, MEW, Upack and obfuscated with SUE, Y0da Cryptor and others; - built-in support for popular document formats including Microsoft Office and Mac Office files, HTML, RTF and PDF.
This package contains the command line interface. Features: - built-in support for various archive formats, including Zip, Tar, Gzip, Bzip2, OLE2, Cabinet, CHM, BinHex, SIS and others; - built-in support for almost all mail file formats; - built-in support for ELF executables and Portable Executable files compressed with UPX, FSG, Petite, NsPack, wwpack32, MEW, Upack and obfuscated with SUE, Y0da Cryptor and others; - built-in support for popular document formats including Microsoft Office and Mac Office files, HTML, RTF and PDF.
anti-virus utility for Unix - scanner daemon
Anti-virus utility for Unix - scanner daemon
anti-virus utility for Unix - scanner daemon
This package contains the documentation for the ClamAV suite.
This package contains the documentation for the ClamAV suite.
correctly read (or write) a region of a block device
Correctly read (or write) a region of a block device
devio is a command line program to read correctly from mtd character (and other block) devices. devio allows access to specific regions of the device and allows output of data from specific locations. The primary difference between devio and other command line utilities, such as dd and cat, is that it is not stream based - it writes directly into the object rather than reading and writing a stream of data.
Devio is a command line program to read correctly from mtd character (and other block) devices. Devio allows access to specific regions of the device and allows output of data from specific locations. The primary difference between Devio and other command line utilities, such as dd and cat, is that it is not stream based; it writes directly into the object rather than reading and writing a stream of data.
debhelper extension for the apport crash report system
debhelper extension for the apport crash report system
This package provides a debhelper extension to make it easier for other packages to include apport hooks.
This package provides a debhelper extension to make it easier for other packages to include apport hooks.
Debhelper addon to track package versions used to build a package
Debhelper add-on to track package versions used to build a package
This script is designed to be run at build-time, and registers in a file the list of packages declared as build-time dependencies, as well as build-essential packages, together with their versions, as installed in the build machine.
This script is designed to be run at build-time, and registers in a file the list of packages declared as build-time dependencies, as well as build-essential packages, together with their versions, as installed in the build machine.
This will hopefully help to track packages (auto-)built with package versions which are known to be buggy, and, more generally, to find out whether a package needs to be rebuilt because of a significant change in a package it has a build-time dependency on.
This will hopefully help to track packages (auto-)built with package versions which are known to be buggy, and, more generally, to find out whether a package needs to be rebuilt because of a significant change in a package it has a build-time dependency on.
Debhelper addon for debian-installer
Debhelper add-on for debian-installer
This debhelper addon automates various specialised tasks needed to build packages that form part of the Debian installer (d-i).
This debhelper add-on automates various specialised tasks needed to build packages that form part of the Debian installer (d-i).
tool that converts source archives into Debian package source
Tool that converts source archives into Debian package source
This package allows you to take a standard (or upstream) source package and convert it into a format that will allow you to build Debian packages.
This package allows you to take a standard (or upstream) source package and convert it into a format that will allow you to build Debian packages.
After answering a few questions, dh_make will then provide a set of templates that, after some small editing, will allow you to create a Debian package.
After answering a few questions, dh_make will then provide a set of templates that, after some small editing, will allow you to create a Debian package.
helper tools for maintaining OCaml-related Debian packages
Helper tools for maintaining OCaml-related Debian packages
dh-ocaml is a set of tools and documents to help maintaining Debian packages related to the Objective Caml (OCaml) programming language.
dh-ocaml is a set of tools and documents to help maintaining Debian packages related to the Objective Caml (OCaml) programming language.
dictionary client
Dictionary client
This package provides a client application to query a dictd server. The client-server protocol is TCP-based; the server may then be local or accessed through the network.
This package provides a client application to query a dictd server. The client-server protocol is TCP-based; the server may be local or accessed through the network.
The DICT Development Group maintains several public servers which can be accessed from any machine connected to the Internet. The default configuration is to query one of these servers first. This may be changed in the configuration file /etc/dictd/dict.conf.
The DICT Development Group maintains several public servers which can be accessed from any machine connected to the Internet. The default configuration is to query one of these servers first. This may be changed in the configuration file /etc/dictd/dict.conf.
This package also provides dictl, which allows using UTF-8 encoded dictionaries with terminals that do not support UTF-8.
This package also provides dictl, which allows using UTF-8 encoded dictionaries with terminals that do not support UTF-8.
FOLDOC dictionary database
FOLDOC dictionary database
This package contains the FOLDOC, the Free On Line Dictionary of Computing, supplemented by a number of Debian-specific definitions, formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package.
This package contains the FOLDOC, the Free On Line Dictionary of Computing, supplemented by a number of Debian-specific definitions, formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package.
This package will be of limited use without the server found in the dictd package.
This package will be of limited use without the server found in the dictd package.
This package contains the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English, formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package. The GCIDE contains the full text of the 1913 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, supplemented by many definitions from WordNet, the Century Dictionary, 1906, and many additional definitions contributed by volunteers.
This package contains the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English, formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package. The GCIDE contains the full text of the 1913 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, supplemented by many definitions from WordNet, the Century Dictionary, 1906, and many additional definitions contributed by volunteers.
The definitions in the core of this dictionary are at least 85 years old, so they can not be expected to be politically correct by contemporary standards, and no attempt has been, or will be, made to make them so.
The definitions in the core of this dictionary are at least 85 years old, so they can not be expected to be politically correct by contemporary standards, and no attempt has been, or will be, made to make them so.
This package will be of limited use without the server found in the dictd package, or another RFC 2229 compliant server.
This package will be of limited use without the server found in the dictd package, or another RFC 2229 compliant server.
dict package for The Jargon Lexicon
dict package for The Jargon Lexicon
The Jargon File is a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor.
The Jargon File is a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humour.
This package includes "The Jargon Lexicon" (main section of The Jargon File, version 4.4.7, 29 Dec 2003), formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package.
This package includes "The Jargon Lexicon" (main section of The Jargon File, version 4.4.7, 29 Dec 2003), formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package.
The complete Jargon File is available in the jargon-text package.
The complete Jargon File is available in the jargon-text package.
Largest and most comprehensive thesaurus
Largest and most comprehensive thesaurus
Moby Thesaurus is the largest and most comprehensive thesaurus data source in English available for commercial use. This second edition has been thoroughly revised adding more than 5,000 root words (to total more than 30,000) with an additional _million_ synonyms and related terms (to total more than 2.5 _million_ synonyms and related terms).
Moby Thesaurus is the largest and most comprehensive thesaurus data source in English available for commercial use. This second edition has been thoroughly revised adding more than 5,000 root words (to total more than 30,000) with an additional _million_ synonyms and related terms (to total more than 2.5 _million_ synonyms and related terms).
This is formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package.
This is formatted for use by the dictionary server in the dictd package.
Dictionary of computer related acronyms -- dict format
Dictionary of computer related acronyms -- dict format
compression utility for dictionary databases
Compression utility for dictionary databases
This package provides a utility to compress dictionary databases with the LZ77 algorithm in a manner which is completely compatible with gzip(1), but using an extension that allows for random access to chunks of about 57kB without the overhead of decompressing the entire file.
This package provides a utility to compress dictionary databases with the LZ77 algorithm in a manner which is completely compatible with gzip(1), but using an extension that allows for random access to chunks of about 57kB without the overhead of decompressing the entire file.
This package also includes dictunzip, to decompress dictzipped files, and dictzcat, for viewing dictzipped files.
This package also includes dictunzip, to decompress dictzipped files, and dictzcat, for viewing dictzipped files.
produces graph of changes introduced by a diff file
Produces graph of changes introduced by a diff file
This program is a simple filter that reads the output of the 'diff' program, and produces a histogram of the total number of lines that were changed. It is useful for scanning a patch file to see which files were changed.
This program is a simple filter that reads the output of the 'diff' program, and produces a histogram of the total number of lines that were changed. It is useful for scanning a patch file to see which files were changed.
File comparison utilities
File comparison utilities
The diffutils package provides the diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp programs.
The diffutils package provides the diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp programs.