Translations by jcastp

jcastp has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
Features: * High quality ASCII art stereogram rendering * Highly configurable * User friendly command line interface (including full online help)
Características: * Renderizado de estereogramas de arte ASCII de alta calidad * Interfaz de línea de comandos amigable al usuario (incluyendo ayuda en linea)
Converts MS Word files to text, PS and PDF
Convierte archivos MS Word a texto, PS y PDF
It converts the binary files from MS Word 6, 7, 97 and 2000 to text, Postscript and PDF.
Convierte los archivos binarios de MS Word 6,7, 97 y 2000 a texto, PS y PDF