Translations by cgg

cgg has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
The EMBASSY PHYLIP programs all have the prefix "f" to distinguish them from the original programs and avoid namespace conflict.
Die EMBASSY PHYLIP Programme haben alle ein "f" vorangestellt um sie von den Originalprogrammen unterscheiden zu können und Namensraumkonflikten vorzubeugen.
imgTeX uses dvipng and FastCGI to embed LaTeX equations within HTML code. It runs very fast and renders high quality math equations.
imgTeX benutzt dvipng und FastCGI um LaTeX-Formeln in HTML-Code einzubetten. imgTeX arbeitet schnell und erstellt Mathematische Formeln in hoher Qualität.