Browsing Russian translation

11941203 of 10299 results
Translated by igorbounov
Located in ../plugins/contrib/wxSmithSTC/stedit/src/stedlgs_wdr.cpp:606 ../plugins/contrib/wxSmithSTC/stedit/src/stedlgs_wdr.cpp:641 ../plugins/contrib/wxSmithSTC/stedit/src/stedit.xrc:980 ../plugins/contrib/wxSmithSTC/stedit/src/stedit.xrc:1054
Append target options to project options
Добавить настройки цели после настроек проекта
Translated by DURAND Gérard
Located in ../plugins/compilergcc/resources/compiler_options.xrc:131 ../plugins/compilergcc/resources/compiler_options.xrc:253 ../plugins/compilergcc/resources/compiler_options.xrc:444 ../plugins/compilergcc/resources/compiler_options.xrc:494 ../plugins/compilergcc/resources/compiler_options.xrc:544
Append to active window
Добавить в активное окно
Translated and reviewed by Simple translator
Located in ../plugins/contrib/codesnippets/codesnippetswindow.cpp:616
Apple Xcode 1.x project bundles
Пакеты проекта Apple Xcode 1.x
Translated by igorbounov
Located in ../sdk/filefilters.cpp:36
Apple Xcode 2.x project bundles
Пакеты проекта Apple Xcode 2.x
Translated by igorbounov
Located in ../sdk/filefilters.cpp:37
Application Type
Тип приложения
Translated by igorbounov
Located in ../plugins/scriptedwizard/resources/wxwidgets/wizard.xrc:366
Application class has been adopted. Please check if it
works fine (some application initializing code could
be skipped).
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Класс приложения был принят. Проверьте, правильно ли
он работает (часть кода инициализации приложения может
быть пропущена).
Translated by igorbounov
Located in ../plugins/contrib/wxSmith/wxwidgets/wxwidgetsguiappadoptingdlg.cpp:183
Application output
Вывод приложения
Translated and reviewed by Simple translator
Located in ../plugins/contrib/Valgrind/Valgrind.cpp:492
Application targets only
Только цели приложений
Translated and reviewed by Simple translator
Located in ../plugins/contrib/ProjectOptionsManipulator/ProjectOptionsManipulatorDlg.cpp:191
Apply LSP fix if available
Применить исправление LSP если доступно
Translated and reviewed by Михаил Агарков
Located in ../plugins/contrib/clangd_client/src/LSPclient/lspdiagresultslog.cpp:124
11941203 of 10299 results

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Contributors to this translation: Anto, DURAND Gérard, Roman Novikov, Sciko, Simple translator, Smiler Cat, igorbounov, sergomironov, Михаил Агарков, Сергей.