Browsing English (Australia) translation

101 of 105 results
Drag file here
note: 'text to display in file button used in HTML forms when no file is selected to indicate that files can be dragged onto the file button'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_FILE_NO_FILE_DRAG_LABEL
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_FILE_NO_FILE_DRAG_LABEL
Drag file here
Translated and reviewed by Joel Pickett
Located in grdsid8964020114565522021; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
101 of 105 results

This translation is managed by Launchpad English (Australia) Translators, assigned by Launchpad Translators.

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