mute audio track
note: 'accessibility help description for mute button'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MEDIA_MUTE_BUTTON_HELP
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MEDIA_MUTE_BUTTON_HELP
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid1020833440720551630; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Accessible description of the second field in a date/time control'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_SECOND_FIELD_TEXT
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_SECOND_FIELD_TEXT
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid1088086359088493902; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Please enter an email address.
note: "Heading or short sentence shown when there is an email field in a form and a user specified a value which doesn't look like an e-mail address."
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_VALIDATION_TYPE_MISMATCH_EMAIL
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_VALIDATION_TYPE_MISMATCH_EMAIL
Please enter an email address.
Translated and reviewed by
Joel Pickett
Located in
grdsid1171774979989969504; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Clear Recent Searches
note: "menu item in Recent Searches menu that empties menu's contents"
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_RECENT_SEARCHES_CLEAR
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_RECENT_SEARCHES_CLEAR
Clear Recent Searches
Translated and reviewed by
Joel Pickett
Located in
grdsid1235745349614807883; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
seek quickly back
note: 'accessibility help description for fast reverse button'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MEDIA_SEEK_BACK_BUTTON_HELP
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_MEDIA_SEEK_BACK_BUTTON_HELP
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid1320012872283894746; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
This month
note: 'Label for button in month picker to select this month.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_THIS_MONTH_LABEL
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_THIS_MONTH_LABEL
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid1591562245178063882; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Choose Files
note: 'title for a multiple file chooser button used in HTML forms. This title should be as short as possible.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_MULTIPLE_FILES_BUTTON_LABEL
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_FORM_MULTIPLE_FILES_BUTTON_LABEL
Choose Files
Translated and reviewed by
Joel Pickett
Located in
grdsid1637811476055996098; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'A message displayed on the progress control over PDF page during document loading.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_PDF_PROGRESS_LOADING
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_PDF_PROGRESS_LOADING
Translated and reviewed by
Joel Pickett
Located in
grdsid1639239467298939599; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Accessible description of the AM/PM field in a date/time control'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_AM_PM_FIELD_TEXT
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_AM_PM_FIELD_TEXT
(no translation yet)
Located in
grdsid1822429046913737220; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
note: 'Verb stating the action that will occur when a radio button is clicked, as used by accessibility.'
in: upstream/cr-28.0.1500.95/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_RADIO_BUTTON_ACTION_VERB
in: upstream/cr-29.0.1547.55/webkit/glue/webkit_strings.grd, as IDS_AX_RADIO_BUTTON_ACTION_VERB
Translated and reviewed by
Joel Pickett
Located in
grdsid1842960171412779397; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2