Translations by AJenbo
AJenbo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 8 of 8 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
9. |
Invalid value.
2010-12-12 |
Ugyldig værdi.
42. |
This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: '''
2010-12-12 |
Dette er et søgebart indeks. Indtast et nøgleord: '''
43. |
Value must be less than or equal to %{MAXIMUM}.
2010-12-12 |
Værdien skal være mindre end eller lig med %{MAXIMUM}.
46. |
2010-12-09 |
49. |
Failed to load PDF document
2010-12-12 |
Fejl ved indlæsning af PDF dokument
58. |
Value must be greater than or equal to %{MINIMUM}.
2010-12-12 |
Værdien skal være større end eller lig med %{MINIMUM}.
85. |
HTML content
2010-12-12 |
HTML indhold
105. |
Loading document: %{PAGE_NUMBER}/%{NUMBER_OF_PAGES} pages...
2010-12-12 |
Indlæser dokument: %{PAGE_NUMBER} af %{NUMBER_OF_PAGES} sider...