Sign in to get your tabs, bookmarks, history, and other settings on all your devices. You'll also automatically be signed in to your Google services.
note: 'The message that appears in the options dialog when sync has not been set up by the user.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_SYNC_OVERVIEW
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_SYNC_OVERVIEW
Ha bejelentkezik, lapjait, könyvjelzőit, előzményeit és egyéb beállításait bármilyen eszközről elérheti. Ráadásul automatikusan bejelentkezik a Google-szolgáltatásokba.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3146771304026816668; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Disable the experimental version of Encrypted Media Extensions on video and audio elements.
note: 'Description for the flag to disable the prefixed Encrypted Media Extensions APIs (e.g. webkitGenerateKeyRequest()).'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_PREFIXED_ENCRYPTED_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_PREFIXED_ENCRYPTED_MEDIA_DESCRIPTION
A titkosított médiabővítmények kísérleti verziójának letiltása a video- és hangelemeknél.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3212792897911394068; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
If enabled, trace events are exported to ETW and can be captured by either UIForETW or Xperf.
UNUSED: (is_win) == False
note: 'Description for the flag to enable exporting of tracing events to ETW.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_TRACE_EXPORT_EVENTS_TO_ETW_DESRIPTION
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_TRACE_EXPORT_EVENTS_TO_ETW_DESRIPTION
Ha engedélyezi, a követett eseményeket a rendszer az ETW-be exportálja, és a UIForETW vagy az Xperf segítségével rögzíthetők.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3360752502184459990; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Read and change all your data on your device and the websites you visit
UNUSED: (is_android) == False
note: 'Mobile: Permission string for full access to the device and all websites.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_WARNING_FULL_ACCESS
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_EXTENSION_PROMPT_WARNING_FULL_ACCESS
Az eszközén és a felkeresett webhelyeken lévő valamennyi adatának olvasása és módosítása
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3442535954345742822; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Circle Ink Drop
UNUSED: (use_ash) == False
note: 'Description for the flag that sets material design ink drop to a circle.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_MATERIAL_DESIGN_INK_DROP_CIRCLE
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_MATERIAL_DESIGN_INK_DROP_CIRCLE
Kör alakú tintafolt
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3520155764286810028; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Zero Suggest
UNUSED: (is_android) == False
note: 'An about:flags experiment for zero suggest'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_ZERO_SUGGEST_EXPERIMENT_NAME
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_ZERO_SUGGEST_EXPERIMENT_NAME
Nulladik javaslat
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3537613974805087699; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Disable experimental Chromecast support allowing to play and control videos from the Web on Chromecast devices.
UNUSED: (is_android) == False
note: 'Description of the flag to disable Chromecast support.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_CAST_DESCRIPTION
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_CAST_DESCRIPTION
Az internetes videók Chromecast eszközökön való lejátszását és vezérlését lehetővé tevő kísérleti Chromecast-támogatás tiltása.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3574772456110518971; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Enable script injection instead of native Android accessibility.
UNUSED: (is_android) == False
note: 'Description of the flag to enable script injection for accessibility.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_ACCESSIBILITY_SCRIPT_INJECTION_DESCRIPTION
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_ACCESSIBILITY_SCRIPT_INJECTION_DESCRIPTION
A szkriptinjektálás engedélyezése a natív androidos kisegítő lehetőségek helyett.
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3727884750434605207; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Material Design Ink Drop
UNUSED: (use_ash) == False
note: 'Name for the flag that sets the material design ink drop.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_MATERIAL_DESIGN_INK_DROP_NAME
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_FLAGS_MATERIAL_DESIGN_INK_DROP_NAME
Anyagszerű megjelenésű tintafolt
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3779689521379218195; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
I&nspect Element
UNUSED: (not is_android and use_titlecase) == False
note: 'In Title Case: The name of the Inspect Element command in the content area context menu'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_INSPECTELEMENT
in: upstream/cr-46.0.2490.64/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_INSPECTELEMENT
E&lem megtekintése
Translated by
Chad Miller
Located in
id: 3873139305050062481; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1