UNUSED: () OR (chromeos) OR (enable_task_manager and not use_titlecase) OR (enable_task_manager and use_titlecase) == False
note: 'Checkbox to enable showing events of type NETWORK'
note: 'In settings Internet options, the title for buy cellular data plan button.'
note: 'The text of the network usage column'
note: 'Title of the page'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_TASK_MANAGER_NET_COLUMN
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_TASK_MANAGER_NET_COLUMN
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 7982789257301363584; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
UNUSED: () OR (chromeos) OR (is_macosx or is_ios) OR (not is_android) == False
note: 'History, one of the data types that we allow syncing.'
note: 'Label for the checkbox which enables or disables syncing history between multiple browser instances.'
note: 'The menu title of the Mac history menu.'
note: 'The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut.'
note: 'Title for the history tab.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_HISTORY_TITLE
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_HISTORY_BROWSERESULTS
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 1644574205037202324; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
UNUSED: () OR (chromeos) OR (enable_print_preview) == False
note: 'In settings Internet options, Join other network, the text on the button to show advanced settings.'
note: 'Name of the settings page which displays advanced preferences.'
note: 'Printer advanced options section label.'
note: 'The advanced link in the one click sign-in dialog. Clicking the link will take the user to advanced settings.'
note: 'The text for the button that expands the details on an error page. Paired with IDS_SSL_CLOSE_DETAILS_BUTTON.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_PRINT_PREVIEW_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_LABEL
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_SSL_V2_OPEN_DETAILS_BUTTON
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 1974060860693918893; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
New tab
UNUSED: () OR (chromeos) OR (enable_app_list and not use_titlecase) OR (not use_titlecase) OR (use_ash) == False
note: "The label of the 'New Tab' Tab context menu item."
note: 'The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut.'
note: 'The tooltip for the new tab button'
note: "Title text for the 'open new' context menu item of an app list item configured to open in a tab"
note: "Title text for the 'open new' context menu item of the launcher for apps configured to open in a tab"
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_TOOLTIP_NEW_TAB
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_TAB_CXMENU_NEWTAB
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 5233638681132016545; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
UNUSED: () OR (chromeos) OR (enable_extensions) OR (enable_task_manager) OR (is_win) == False
note: 'Description of unknown cellular network technology. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page.'
note: 'Name for a plugin whose name could not be determined'
note: 'Service Status'
note: 'Text indicating that the context URL for an error is unknown.'
note: 'The value displayed for an unknown NaCl debug stub port in the task manager.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_TASK_MANAGER_UNKNOWN_VALUE_TEXT
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_EXTENSIONS_ERROR_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 583281660410589416; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
Google Cloud Print
UNUSED: (chromeos) OR (enable_print_preview and chromeos) OR (enable_print_preview) OR (enable_service_discovery) OR (not is_android) == False
note: 'Display name for notification for a new printer showing up on your network'
note: 'Fallback title for print preview page on Chrome OS.'
note: 'The name of the Google Cloud Print product.'
note: "The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Opens the 'Google Cloud Print' dialog)."
note: 'Title of the section of cloud print destinations.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_PRINT_PREVIEW_GOOGLE_CLOUD_PRINT_TITLE
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_PRINT_PREVIEW_CLOUD_DESTINATIONS_TITLE
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 8069615408251337349; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
note: 'A choice in dropdown dialog on about:flags page to never show the reader mode button'
note: "Button text for the 'Save Password' bubble's 'Never remember for this site' option"
note: 'Indicates that a policy fetch was never performed before.'
note: 'Indicates that the first sync has never completed.'
note: "Mobile: Button text for the 'Save Password' infobar's 'Never remember for this site' option"
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_PASSWORD_MANAGER_BUBBLE_BLACKLIST_BUTTON1
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_PASSWORD_MANAGER_BLACKLIST_BUTTON
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 7961015016161918242; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
note: 'In Title Case: The name of the Print... command in the content area context menu. Brings a dialog to select the print options'
note: 'In Title Case: The text label of the Print... menu item. Opens a dialog box to select print settings'
note: 'The name of the Print... command in the content area context menu. Brings a dialog to select the print options'
note: 'The text label of the Print... menu item. Opens a dialog box to select print settings'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_PRINT
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_PRINT
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 1175364870820465910; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
note: "In Title Case: Text displayed before the app or extension's version in the details section of the dialog."
note: "Text displayed before the app or extension's version in the details section of the dialog."
note: 'The label in front of a component version number.'
note: 'The label in front of a plugin version number.'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_APPLICATION_INFO_VERSION_LABEL
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_APPLICATION_INFO_VERSION_LABEL
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 2101225219012730419; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1
note: 'Download context menu: Pause download'
note: 'In Title Case: Download context menu: Pause download'
note: 'In Title Case: The name of the Pause command for audio and video playback in the content area context menu'
note: 'The name of the Pause command for audio and video playback in the content area context menu'
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_PAUSE
in: results/cr/chrome/app/generated_resources.grd, as IDS_CONTENT_CONTEXT_PAUSE
(no translation yet)
Located in
id: 253434972992662860; intermediary: cmlpgrid v1