Browsing Catalan translation

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198203 of 203 results
Channel changed. Restart your device to apply changes.
UNUSED: (pp_ifdef('chromeos')) == False
note: 'Status label: Channel was successfully switched on Chrome OS'
in: upstream/cr-30.0.1599.0/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_UPGRADE_SUCCESSFUL_CHANNEL_SWITCH
(no translation yet)
Located in grdsid5877064549588274448; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Google Chrome is using your microphone.
note: 'Tool tip for the capture status tray icon when microphone is being used'
in: upstream/cr-30.0.1599.0/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_MEDIA_STREAM_STATUS_TRAY_TEXT_AUDIO_ONLY
(no translation yet)
Located in grdsid7098166902387133879; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Chrome - Notifications (%{QUANTITY} unread)
note: 'Tooltip for notification tray icon with unread notifications'
in: upstream/cr-30.0.1599.0/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_MESSAGE_CENTER_TOOLTIP_UNREAD
(no translation yet)
Located in grdsid7282192067747128786; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Updating your device to %{CHANNEL_NAME} channel...
UNUSED: (pp_ifdef('chromeos')) == False
note: 'Status label: Updating Chrome OS to a specified channel'
in: upstream/cr-30.0.1599.0/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_UPGRADE_UPDATING_CHANNEL_SWITCH
(no translation yet)
Located in grdsid8030318113982266900; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Google Chrome could not create an application shortcut.
note: 'Contents of the main label in the error dialog box when creating an application shortcut failed for unknown reasons.'
in: upstream/cr-30.0.1599.0/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_CREATE_SHORTCUTS_ERROR_LABEL
(no translation yet)
Located in grdsid8142608456917638009; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
Google Chrome is using your camera and microphone.
note: 'Tool tip for the capture status tray icon when microphone and camera are being used'
in: upstream/cr-30.0.1599.0/chrome/app/google_chrome_strings.grd, as IDS_MEDIA_STREAM_STATUS_TRAY_TEXT_AUDIO_AND_VIDEO
(no translation yet)
Located in grdsid8255190535488645436; intermediary: cmlpgrid v2
198203 of 203 results

This translation is managed by Launchpad Catalan Translators, assigned by Launchpad Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Chad Miller.