Translations by Nightoon

Nightoon has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 234 results
Chain Lightning
You take down the shelter
The first thing to do is to check your home for useful items. Your initial storage is limited, and a backpack, trenchcoat, or other storage medium will let you carry a lot more. Finding a weapon is important; frying pans, butcher knives, and more are common in your home; hardware stores may carry others. Unless you plan on concentrating on melee combat, seek out gun stores as soon as possible and load up on more than one type. It's also important to carry a few medications; painkillers are a must-have, and drugs such as cigarettes will make life easier (but beware addiction). Leave cities as soon as you have a good stockpile of equipment. Their high concentration of zombies makes them a deathtrap--but a necessary resource for food and ammunition. Combat is much easier if you can fight just one monster at once. Use doorways as a choke point, or stand behind a window and strike as the zombies slowly climb through. Never be afraid to just run if you can outpace your enemies. Irregular terrain, like forests, may help you lose monsters. Firearms are the easiest way to kill an enemy, but the sound will attract unwanted attention. Save the guns for emergencies, and melee when you can. Press any key for more...
第一件要做的事就是检查你的家,尽可能把有用的物品都搜刮掉。一开始你只有一 个背包和一件军大衣,所以容量非常有限。游戏中最重要的是收集食物,其次是收集武 器,家中的平底锅、菜刀等都是现成的武器,如果你遇到杂货店的话,里面还有更多。 除非你决定专攻近战武器,否则枪械店是你必去的地方。 行走在大灾变后的城市中,请尽可能地收集各种药物,止痛剂是最重要的,香烟等 易上瘾的物品也请注意收集。当你武装到一定程度之后,请尽快离开城市,因为虽然这 里物资较丰富,但同样也有着数之不尽的僵尸群。 如果可能的话,请尽量一次只面对一个敌人,你可以选择转角或者门、窗等来调整 战术,毕竟丧尸的行动是相对迟缓的。如果你有机会逃走的话,请不要迟疑,毕竟你的 速度还是蛮快的,同时一些特殊的地形比如森林等,也可以用来帮助你摆脱敌人。 枪械是最适合用来杀敌的,但是其发出的噪音同样容易引来更多的敌人,所以请尽 量使用近战武器,偶尔耍枪,耍完就逃。 按任意键继续......
Many drugs have a potential for addiction. Each time you consume such a drug there is a chance that you will grow dependent on it. Consuming more of that drug will increase your dependance. Effects vary greatly between drugs, but all addictions have only one cure; going cold turkey. The process may last days, and will leave you very weak, so try to do it in a safe area. If you are suffering from drug withdrawal, taking more of the drug will cause the effects to cease immediately, but may deepen your dependance.
所有的药物都要一定的潜在上瘾性,每次当你服用某种药物,都有一定几率将来你 会很难离开它,服用越多,瘾性越大。而上瘾之后戒毒的唯一方法就是停止服用,并在 接下来很长一段时间内不再服用,期间你会变得非常虚弱,所以请找个安全的地方进行 戒毒。 当你药瘾发作的时候,你会痛苦不堪,虽然再次用药会立刻解除这种痛苦,但下一 次的药瘾会发作得更快......
Though it is relatively rare, certain areas of the world may be contaminated with radiation. It will gradually accumulate in your body, weakening you more and more. While in radiation-free areas, your radiation level will slowly decrease. Taking iodine tablets will help speed the process. If you become very irradiated, you may develop mutations. Most of the time, these mutations will be negative; however, many are beneficial, and others have both positive and negative effects. Your mutations may change your play style considerably. It is possible to find substances that will remove mutations, though these are extremely rare.
尽管并不多见,但世上某些地方确实还有辐射残留。当你行走在这些区域的时候, 辐射会逐渐在你的体内累积,逐渐削弱你的身体。而当你离开辐射区域以后,体内积 累的辐射值会缓慢得代谢掉。服用碘片有助于加快代谢的速度。 如果体内积累的辐射量过高的话,你的角色甚至有可能发生突变,绝大多数情况 下,突变都是恶性的,然而有些突变却能给你的角色带来意料之外的好处。所有的突 变都会很大程度上改变你今后的游戏方式,游戏中也能找到一些消除突变的方法,好 吧...但愿你能找到。
When you take damage from almost any source, you'll start to feel pain. Pain slows you down and reduces your stats, and finding a way to manage pain is an early imperative. The most common is drugs; aspirin, codeine, tramadol, oxycodone, and more are all great options. Be aware that while under the influence of a lot of painkillers, the physiological effects may slow you or reduce your stats. Note that most painkillers take a little while to kick in. If you take some oxycodone, and don't notice the effects right away, don't start taking more; you may overdose and die! Pain will also disappear with time, so if drugs aren't available and you're in a lot of pain, it may be wise to find a safe spot and simply rest for an extended period of time. Another common class of drugs is stimulants. Stimulants provide you with a temporary rush of energy, increasing your movement speed and many stats, most notably intelligence, making them useful study aids. There are two drawbacks to stimulants; they make it more difficult to sleep, and, more importantly, most are highly addictive. Stimulants range from the caffeine rush of cola to the more intense high of Adderall and methamphetamine.
几乎任何的伤害都会让你的角色感到疼痛,而疼痛感会减少各项属性并延缓你的行 动,所以从一开始你就要考虑如何应对这个问题。最简单的办法,就是服药:阿司匹 林、可待因、曲马多、羟考酮等都是很好的选择,但别忘了当你服用大量止痛剂之后, 药效本身一样会让你的行动迟缓并削弱部分属性。 需要注意的是药物的生效需要时间,如果你服用了一些羟考酮但是没有立刻生效, 请务必稍等片刻而不是急着再次服用,药物使用过量也是会致命的... 即使不服药,随着时间的推移疼痛感也会逐渐消退,所以当你没有药物且全身疼痛 的时候,最好能够找处安全的地方进行休息。 游戏中除了止痛药,还有各类兴奋剂。兴奋剂能够在短时间内提升角色的行动能力 及各项属性。然而服用兴奋剂有两大注意事项:服用兴奋剂之后角色将很难入睡,并且 兴奋剂很容易成瘾。游戏中的兴奋剂从可乐饮料中的咖啡因到安非他命和麻黄碱等都有。
Morale is also responsible for ensuring you can learn effectively, via a mechanic referred to as 'focus'. Your focus level is a measure of how effectively you can learn. The natural level is 100, which indicates normal learning potential. Higher or lower focus levels make it easier or harder to learn from practical experience. Your focus level has a natural set point that it converges towards. When your focus is much lower - or higher - than this set point, it will change faster than when it is near the set point. Having high morale will raise the set point, and having low morale will lower the set point. Pain is also factored into the set point calculation - it's harder to learn when you're in pain. Your focus is also lowered by certain activities. Training your skills through real-world practice lowers your focus gradually, by an amount that depends on your current level of focus (higher focus means larger decreases, as well as improved learning). Training your skills by reading books decreases your focus rapidly, by giving a significant penalty to the set point of your focus.
情绪因素同时也会影响到技能的使用和提升;每当你使用各种技能的时候,都会 从注意力中提取一定的经验值使得技能逐渐熟练和提升。如果注意力空了的话,除了 读书你无法升级技能。 如果你的情绪值低于0,注意力将不会自动回复;情绪值在0~100以内的时候,其 数值代表了每回合增加1点注意力的几率;大于100的情绪值,每100点情绪增加1点每 回合增加的经验量。你的注意力有着一个自然的回复点,当你注意力过高或过低时, 它都会趋向于恢复成回复点状态,越高或越低则回复到原点的速度越快。因此,当它 处于回复点附近的时候,你的情绪值越高则注意力升高的越快,反之,你的情绪越低 ————比如说疼痛等等,你的注意力就会下降。比如说你疼的连书都看不进去了,更别 说还能去训练技能等等。 你的注意力也会随着某些情况有所改变。比如当你训练技能的时候,你就会消耗你的 注意力,使它逐渐降低,来使你训练技能更加有效。(注意力越高则学习效率越好) 在读书的时候,你的注意力下降得更快,因为你要集中精神才能看得进去。
Your character has a morale level, which affects you in many ways. The depressing post-apocalypse world is tough to deal with, and your mood will naturally decrease very slowly. There are lots of options for increasing morale; reading an entertaining book, eating delicious food, and taking recreational drugs are but a few options. Most morale-boosting activities can only take you to a certain level before they grow boring. There are also lots of ways for your morale to decrease, beyond its natural decay. Eating disgusting food, reading a boring technical book, or going through drug withdrawal are some prominent examples. Low morale will make you sluggish and unmotivated. It will also reduce your stats, particularly intelligence. If your morale drops very low, you may even commit suicide. Very high morale fills you with gusto and energy, and you will find yourself moving faster. At extremely high levels, you will receive stat bonuses. Press any key for more...
你的角色有一个情绪的指标,它会在很多场合发生作用。独自身处后启示录时代、 满目苍夷的世界之中是一件非常令人绝望的事情,你的心情会随着时间的推移逐渐低 落。 当然本作中也有不同的方式可以帮助你恢复情绪:读一本有趣的书、吃上一些美 味的食物或服用一些提神的药物等,只是这些手段也只能维持一段时间,而且重复使 用之后的效率会越来越低。 与其相对的是你的身边有很多因素会降低你的情绪,除了自然衰退以外,吃下难 吃的食物、阅读一本枯燥的书以及承受药物的副作用等等。 低落的情绪会让你的角色逐渐变得懒散及忧郁,具体表现为各项属性的降低,尤 其是智力。如果你的情绪低落到一个非常低的程度时,甚至会导致角色的自杀。积极 的情绪能让你的角色思维更敏捷、行动更迅速,而情绪特别高昂时也会增加一些特定 的属性。 按任意键继续......
Try to keep your inventory as full as possible without being overloaded. You never know when you might need an item, most are good to sell, and you can easily drop unwanted items on the floor. Keep an eye on the weather. At night, sleeping might be difficult if you don't have a warm place to rest your head. Be sure to protect your extremities from frostbite and to keep your distance from large fires.
只要不超重,请尽量把你的物品栏塞满,因为你不知道前方有什么样的危机在等待 着你,当然如果必要的话请随时记得丢下不需要的物品。超重是件很麻烦的事。 游戏中的天气会随时变化,在夜晚如果无法保暖你将很难入睡,同时在霜冻的天气 里请不要离开火堆太远。
For the unarmed fighter, a variety of fighting styles are available. You can start with your choice of a single, commonly-taught style by starting with the Martial Arts Training trait. Many, many more can be taught by wandering masters. To select a fighting style%s. If you are already unarmed this will make you start using the style. Otherwise, it will be locked in as your default unarmed style; to start using it, %s '-'. Most styles have a variety of special moves associated with them. Most have a skill requirement, and will be unavailable until you reach a level of unarmed skill. You can check the moves by examining your style via the inventory screen%s. Many styles also have special effects unlocked under certain conditions. These are varied and unique to each style, and range from special combo moves to bonuses depending on the situation you are in. You can check these by examining your style.
对于喜欢徒手格斗的人来说,游戏中也提供了几种不同的选择,在游戏的初期你就 能够选择一项你喜欢的技能如空手道等,而更多的选择将随着游戏的推进逐渐展开。 想要选择使用徒手技能,请单击<%s>,如果你是空手的状态,就会开启技能使用;如 果手中有武器,会将你所选择的技能设为默认徒手技能。要使用你所选定的技能,请使 用<%s>键。 许多徒手格斗技能都有相应的特殊招式,想要使用这些招式需要具备一定的技能等 级,具体信息可以在按<%s>键进行查看。 在某些情况下,徒手技能也会带有一些特殊的效果,从范围攻击到连续技,具体情 况请查看具体的技能介绍。
There are a wide variety of items available for your use. You may find them lying on the ground; if so, simply %s to pick up items on the same square. Some items are found inside a container, drawn as a { with a blue background. %s, then a direction, will allow you to examine these containers and loot their contents. %s opens a comparison menu, where you can see two items side-by-side with their attributes highlighted to indicate which is superior. You can also access the item comparison menu by pressing 'C' when the %s nearby items menu is open and an item is selected. All items may be used as a melee weapon, though some are better than others. You can check the melee attributes of an item you're carrying by %s to enter your inventory, then pressing the letter of the item. There are 3 melee values, bashing, cutting, and to-hit bonus (or penalty). Bashing damage is universally effective, but is capped by low strength. Cutting damage is a guaranteed increase in damage, but it may be reduced by a monster's natural armor. Press any key for more...
游戏中你会遇到各种各样的物品,如果它们只是放置在地上,你可以按<%s>或者 <g>键来拾取;如果物品被存放在容器之中(图标为{并带有蓝色的背景),你需要按 <%s>键来检查容器并拿取其中的物品。 按下<%s>键可以打开一个对比的菜单,你可以并列显示两件物品的属性并进行比 较,其中较高的数值会被高亮。同时当你使用<%s>键来检视周遭可以得到的物品时, 也可以按下<C>开启物品对比窗口。 游戏中有大量的物品可以当做近战武器来使用,你可以按<%s>键打开物品栏来检查 你所拥有的物品的属性,每件近战武器都可能有以下三种属性,钝击伤害、劈砍伤害和 命中奖励或惩罚。钝击伤害对各种类型的敌人都有效,但如果玩家的力量不够高时,并 不会太出彩;锐器伤害对于没有护甲的敌人来说很有效,但是却无法破甲。 按任意键继续......"
After 30 minutes of warmup time, monsters will begin to appear. They are represented by letters on your screen; a list of monster names, and their positions relative to you, is displayed on the right side of the screen. To attack a monster with a melee weapon, simply move into them. The time it takes to attack depends on the size and weight of your weapon. Small, light weapons are the fastest; unarmed attacks increase in speed with your Unarmed Combat skill, and will eventually be VERY fast. A successful hit with a bashing weapon may stun the monster temporarily, while cutting weapons may get stuck, possibly pulling the weapon from your hands-- but a monster with a weapon stuck in it will move much more slowly. A miss may make you stumble and lose movement points. If a monster hits you, your clothing may absorb some damage, but you will absorb the excess. Swarms of monsters may call for firearms. If you find one, wield it first, then reload%s. If you wish to change ammo, you must unload the weapon%s, then reload again. To fire%s, move the cursor to the relevant space, then hit '.' or 'f'. Some guns have alternate firing modes, such as burst fire; to cycle modes%s. Firing continuously, especially in bursts, will severely reduce accuracy. Press any key for more...
当你进入游戏半个小时以后,你应该差不多熟悉了整个游戏的基础操作,这时敌人 也会陆续刷新,屏幕的右方会显示出视线范围内的敌人名称、其所在的位置等。 想要使用近战武器攻击敌人的话,只要朝着敌人所在的格子走去即可,攻击所需要 的时间和频率取决于武器的尺寸和属性,通常轻型的小型的武器攻击速度较快。徒手攻 击的速度取决于你的徒手技能,随着技能的不断提升,最终将变得非常快!每次用钝器 成功击中敌人将使敌人有短暂的眩晕,而使用锐器攻击时,有一定几率武器会卡在敌人 的身上,这时需要你把武器拔出来才能取回来,当然身上插着武器的敌人其行动能力会 愈加迟缓。如果攻击失误的话,你可能会连带着损失一些行动点数。如果你被怪物击中 了,你身上所穿的衣物可能帮你抵消掉一部分的伤害,当然其余的就需要你自己来承受 了。 当你无节制的使用枪械时,最终会引来大堆大堆的敌人。想要使用枪械,请先按 <%s>键装上子弹,如果你想要换种弹药,必须先按<%s>键退下子弹之后,重新装填。想要 发射子弹,请按下<%s>键,然后将光标移到希望命中的格子,然后再次点击<.>或<f>键。 有些枪械有多种射击方式,可以通过<%s>键来进行选择,同时射出多发子弹会使得命中 率逐渐递减。 连续射击,尤其是扫射,将严重降低精确度。 按任意键继续......
To wield an item as a weapon, %s then the proper letter. Pressing '-' in lieu of a letter will make you wield nothing. A wielded weapon will not contribute to your volume carried, so holding a large item in your hands may be a good option for travel. When unwielding your weapon, it will go back in your inventory, or will be dropped on the ground if there is no space. To wear a piece of clothing, %s then the proper letter. Armor reduces damage and helps you resist things like smoke. To take off an item, %s then the proper letter.
想要装备一件武器,请单击<%s>键并选择武器类型,按下<->键来代替武器类型可 以让你放下武器。拿在手中的物品的重量不会计算入负重当中,所以拿着一挺重型机 枪走路是件既风骚又实用的行为。当你放下一件武器之后,它会自动回到你的背包中, 如果背包空间不够的话,它会被放到地上。 按<%s>键来穿上一件衣物,护甲可以帮你抵挡伤害和一些恶劣的环境如烟雾等,按 <%s>键可以脱下护甲。
While sleeping in dangerous territory, it may be wise to set traps to ward off unwanted intrusions. There are a few traps to be found in the world, most notably bubble wrap (which will make a loud noise if stepped on, helping to wake you up) and bear traps (which make noise AND damage and trap anything that steps on them). Others need to be crafted; this requires the Traps skill and possibly Mechanics. To set a trap, simply use the item%s and choose a direction; the trap will be placed on an adjacent tile. Some traps may require additional tools, like a shovel, to be set. Once set, a trap will remain in place until stepped on or disarmed. To disarm a trap, examine%s the space it is on. Your success depends upon your Traps skill and Dexterity. If you succeed, the trap is removed and replaced by some or all of its constituent parts; however, if you fail, there is a chance that you will set off the trap, suffering the consequences. Many traps are fully or partially hidden. Your ability to detect traps is entirely dependent upon your Perception. Should you stumble into a trap, you may have a chance to avoid it, depending on your Dodge skill.
有时睡在危险地带,明智的做法是设置陷阱来抵御不干不净的东西的入侵。大地图上可以找到一些陷阱,最常见 的是泡沫卷(有东西经过时会发出很大的“啪啪啪”声来吵醒你)和捕熊陷阱(“啪啪啪”、伤害、困敌三合一)。 (译者注:其实大地图还有其他的陷阱啦,弩陷阱啦,霰弹陷阱啦,等等。见到就去拆吧,至于后果?额~呵呵!今 天天气真好!)其他陷阱需要自行制作,这需要“陷阱”和“机械学”两种技能。 安置陷阱傻瓜教程:使用%s后选择一个方向,陷阱就会安置在一相邻的地面上。一些陷阱需要额外的工具,比如 一把铁铲。一旦安置,在被触发或拆解之前,陷阱会一直存在。 拆解陷阱,需要检查%s所在的地方。你的成功取决于你的“陷阱”技能和“敏捷”属性。如果你成功了,陷阱会 移除并留下部分或全部的零件。然而,如果你失败了,你有一定概率“膝盖中一箭”。 许多陷阱或全部或部分的隐藏在阴暗的角落,等待着无知少年的到来。你发现陷阱的能力完全取决于你的“感知” 属性。如果你触发了一个陷阱,你有一定概率躲避掉这“射向你膝盖的一箭”,这取决于你的“闪避”技能。
有时睡在危险地带,明智的做法是设置陷阱来抵御不干不净的东西的入侵。大地图上可以找到一些陷阱,最常见的是泡沫卷(有东西经过时会发出很大的“啪啪啪”声来吵醒你)和捕熊陷阱(“啪啪啪”、伤害、困敌三合一)。 (译者注:其实大地图还有其他的陷阱啦,弩陷阱啦,霰弹陷阱啦,等等。见到就去拆吧,至于后果?额~呵呵!今天天气真好!)其他陷阱需要自行制作,这需要“陷阱”和“机械学”两种技能。 安置陷阱傻瓜教程:使用%s后选择一个方向,陷阱就会安置在一相邻的地面上。一些陷阱需要额外的工具,比如一把铁铲。一旦安置,在被触发或拆解之前,陷阱会一直存在。 拆解陷阱,需要检查%s所在的地方。你的成功取决于你的“陷阱”技能和“敏捷”属性。如果你成功了,陷阱会移除并留下部分或全部的零件。然而,如果你失败了,你有一定概率“膝盖中一箭”。 许多陷阱或全部或部分的隐藏在阴暗的角落,等待着无知少年的到来。你发现陷阱的能力完全取决于你的“感知”属性。如果你触发了一个陷阱,你有一定概率躲避掉这“射向你膝盖的一箭”,这取决于你的“闪避”技能。
当你在危险区域睡觉时,明智的做法是设置陷阱来抵御不干不净的东西的入侵。世界中能找到一些陷阱, 尤其值得一提的有警戒陷阱(有东西经过时会发出很大的“啪啪啪”声来吵醒你)和捕熊陷阱(“啪啪啪 ”、伤害、困敌三合一)。其他有的需要自制;这需要陷阱技能,有的需要制造技能。 要设置陷阱,只需使用%s物品然后选择方向;陷阱会放置到相应方向临近的地面上。有些陷阱需要额外 的工具才能放置,比如铁锹。一旦放置,陷阱会一直生效直到被踩到或拆除。 要拆除陷阱,检查%s所在的位置。你的成功率取决于陷阱技能和敏捷。如果成功拆除,陷阱就会被移除并 留下部分或全部它的组成零件;然而,如果你失败,有一定几率你会受到陷阱伤害并使陷阱失效。 很多陷阱是完全或部分隐藏的。你发现陷阱的能力完全取决于你的洞察熟悉感。当你踩到陷阱,根据你 的躲避技能级别,你有一定几率躲过陷阱。
To craft items, press
Bionics are biomechanical upgrades to your body. While many are simply 'built-in' versions of items you would otherwise have to carry, some bionics have unique effects that are otherwise unobtainable. Most bionics require a source of power, and you will need an internal battery to store energy for them. Your current amount of energy is displayed below your health. Replenishing energy can be done in a variety of ways, but all require the installation of a special bionic just for fuel consumption. Bionics come in ready-to-install canisters. Installation of a bionic is best left to a trained professional. However, you may attempt to perform a self- installation. Performing such a task requires high levels of intelligence, first aid, mechanics, and/or electronics, and failure may cripple you! Many bionics canisters are difficult to find, but may be purchased from certain wandering vagabonds for a very high price.
仿生模块是一类用于肉体的生物学假体。相对你所携带的替他工具,有些设备都是植 入你体内的,其中某些生化设备所能带给你的增益效果是其他任何方法或工具都不能 比拟的。 大部分生化设备都需要一个稳定的能量源,所以必须先将内置电池安装在你体内 ,你当前的能量值会显示在HP值的下方,游戏中也有很多方式可以进行充能,但在 此之前你需要安装一个特殊的仿生模块让你可以吸收能源。 游戏中得到的仿生模块通常都可以直接进行安装,但建议你把这项工作留给专业 人士来做。然而游戏中你不是一直有机会能够遇到专业的人士,所以很多情况下你可 以尝试着自己进行安装。这项工作需要角色具有高度的智力、急救能力、机械操作能 力,最好还有电子设备的知识,因为如果自行安装失败,会导致自残..……游戏中要找 到这些林林总总的仿生模块并非易事,不过偶尔你也可能从行商那里以很高的价格买 到。
Many important items can be very hard to find, or will cost a great deal of money to trade for. Fortunately, it is possible to craft a wide variety of goods with the proper tools, materials, and training. Some recipes require a set of tools. These are not used up when crafting, so you can keep your tool set. All recipes require one or more ingredients. These ARE used up in crafting. %sThere are five categories: Weapons, Food, Electronics, Armor, and Miscellaneous. While a few items require no skill to create, the majority require you to have some knowledge: ->Mechanic skill is used for weapons, traps, and a few tools. ->Cooking skill, at low levels, is used for making tasty recipes; at higher levels, you have an understanding of chemistry and can make chemical weapons and beneficial elixirs. ->Electronics skill lets you make a wide variety of tools with intricate uses. ->Tailoring skill is used to create basic clothing, and later tough armor. In addition to the primary crafting skills, other skills may be necessary to create certain items. Traps skill, Marksmanship skill, and First Aid skill are all required for certain items.
本作中很多重要的物品都不是太容易找到,即使想通过交易来购买可能这个价格 也不是轻易能够承担的,索性,只要有合适的工具和材料,你的角色可以自行制作。 有些物品的制作需要用到不止一件工具,拥有这些工具可以进行多次制作;而所 有的物品都需要一种或更多的材料来进行制作,这些材料在制作之后都会被消耗掉。 %s一共有五大类,武器、食物、电器、护甲及其它,虽然有些物品的制作不需要 专业的技能,但大多数物品的制作都需要角色具有相对应的技能: ->机械技能对于制作武器、陷阱和一些工具来说很重要; ->烹调技能只需要较低的等级就能陆续做出可口的食物,而随着等级的提高你会对化 学有更深的认识,甚至能够制造化学武器和强化药剂; ->电子技能会影响许多复杂工具的使用,在游戏的整个过程中都有用到; ->裁缝技能可以让你制作各类服装以及一些护甲 除了上述主要技能以外,其他一些比如陷阱技能、火器技能、急救技能等也会影响到 特定物品的制作。
enters look around mode, which
Please press one of the following for help on that topic: Press q or ESC to return to the game. a: Introduction i: Bionics b: Movement j: Crafting c: Viewing k: Traps d: Hunger, Thirst, and Sleep l: Items overview e: Pain and Stimulants m: Combat f: Addiction n: Unarmed Styles g: Morale and Learning o: Survival tips h: Radioactivity and Mutation 1: List of all commands (you can change key commands here) 2: List of all options (you can change options here) 3: Auto pickup manager (you can change pickup rules here) 4: List of item types and data 5: Description of map symbols 6: Description of gun types 7: Frequently Asked Questions (Some spoilers!) q: Return to game
按下列按键进入帮助主题: 按<q>或<ESC>返回游戏 a: 简介 i: 仿生模块 b: 移动 j: 制作 c: 视图 k: 陷阱 d: 饥饿、口渴和睡觉 l: 物品概述 e: 疼痛和兴奋剂 m: 战斗 f: 上瘾 n: 格斗姿态 g: 情绪和XP经验值 o: 生存小技巧 h: 辐射和变异 1: 所有的命令列表(你可以在这里改变命令对应的按键) 2: 所有的设置选项(你可以在这里改变设置) 3: 物品的类型和数据列表(你可以在这里改变拾取规则) 4: 道具的种类和数据 5: 地图符号的说明 6: 枪族的说明 7: 常见问题(有一点透剧!) q: 返回游戏
You fall expertly and take no damage.
PICK UP (, = all)
Monster spotted!
Monster Spotted!
burning plasma
mountain of rubble
tactical tonfa (on)
tactical tonfa (off)
This is a rare, bizarre, and arcane device of an otherworldly nature. It's giving you a headache just looking at it. It is covered in alien markings.
This is a pipe whose ends have been bent and hammered flat to resemble a crowbar. Use it to open locked doors without destroying them, or to lift manhole covers. You could also wield it to fight with, in a pinch.
The light wakes you up.
Your next strike will be a Snakebite, using your hand in a cone shape. This will deal piercing damage.
Perception - 1; Dexterity - 1; Strength - 2 IF not resistant Occasional pain and/or damage.
知觉- 1;敏捷- 1;强度- 2 如果不服药 偶尔的疼痛和损害。
You wake up to the ringing of an alarm-clock.
Recovered from an infection... this time.
Chop Tree trunk into planks
Chop Tree trunk into logs
Sealed a Hazardous Material Sarcophagus.
Subj: CDC: Internal Memo, Standby [2918115] To: all SRCF staff From: Ellen Grimes, Director of the EPA Your site along with many others has been found to be contaminated with what we will now refer to as [redracted]. It is vital that you standby for further orders. We are currently awaiting the President to decide our course of action in this national crisis. You will proceed with fail- safe procedures and rig the sarcouphagus with c-4 as outlined in Publication 4423. We will send you orders to either detonate and seal the sarcouphagus or remove the charges. It is of upmost importance that the facility is sealed immediatly when the orders are given, we have been alerted by Homeland Security that there are potential terrorist suspects that are being detained in connection with the recent national crisis. Director of the CDC, Ellen Grimes
Subj:美国疾病防疫中心(CDC):内部备忘录,编号[ 2918115 ] To:SCRF全体员工 From:埃伦·格兰姆斯,美国环境保护局主任 许多地方,包括你所处的位置已经发现我们现在称之为[ redracted ]的污染。 现在你需要为下一步命令做好充足的准备。我们现在正在等待总统为这个国家的危机 事件做最后决定。你的任务将是到上述那些地点并利用在4233文件中提出的《如何安 全使用C-4操纵石棺》守则来密封石棺或解除周围陷阱,最重要的是在命令送达的同时 所有设备必须立即封存。 我们已经通知国家安全局对所有与本次全国性事故有关的潜在恐怖主义分子进行拘捕。 美国疾病预防控制中心主任。 埃伦·格兰姆斯
Subj: EPA: Report All Potential Containment Breaches 3873643 To: all SRCF staff From: Robert Shane, Director of the EPA All hazardous waste dumps and sarcouphagi must submit three samples from each operational leache system to the following addresses: CDC Bioterrism Lab Building 10 Corporate Square Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30329 EPA Region 8 Laboratory 16194 W. 45th Drive Golden, Colorado 80403 These samples must be accurate and any attempts to cover incompetencies will result in charges of Federal Corruption and potentially Treason.
Subj:美国国家环境保护局(EPA):潜在安全漏洞完整报告 3873643 To:SRCF全体员工 From:罗伯特·肖恩,美国国家环境保护局主任 所有危险废料堆和石棺必须提交三份样本至以下地址: 美国疾病防疫中心(CDC)生化实验室 10号楼 企业广场大道 亚特兰大,GA 30329 美国国家环境保护局(EPA) 8号区域实验室 16194 W。45号 金动大道,科罗拉多州 80403 请务必提供准确样本,任何试图敷衍了事的人都会被指控犯有贪污及叛国罪。
Subj: SRCF: Internal Memo, EPA [2918024] To: all SRCF admin staff From: Constantine Dvorak, Undersecretary of Nuclear Security Director Grimes has released a new series of accusations that will soon be investigated by a Congressional committee. Below is the message that he sent myself. -------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: Congressional Investigations To: Constantine Dvorak, Undersecretary of Nuclear Safety From: Robert Shane, director of the EPA The EPA has opposed the Security-Restricted Containment Facility (SRCF) project from its inception. We were horrified that these facilities would be constructed so close to populated areas, and only agreed to sign-off on the project if we were allowed to freely examine and monitor the sarcophagi. But that has not happened. Since then the DoE has employed any and all means to keep EPA agents from visiting the SRCFs, using military secrecy, emergency powers, and inter-departmental gag orders to
Subj:SRCF:内部备忘录,美国国家环境保护局(EPA) [2918024] To:SRCF全体管理人员 From:康斯坦丁·德沃夏克,核安全副部长 格兰姆斯总监已经发布了一系列新的指控,将由国会的一个调查委员会进行调查。 下面是他发给我的一条信息。 -------------------------------------------------------------- Subj:国会调查 To:康斯坦丁·德沃夏克,核安全副部长 From:罗伯特·肖恩,美国国家环境保护局主任 从成立之初,美国环保局(EPA)一直反对限制级防泄露设施(SRCF)项目。我们惊惧 异常,这些设施将建造在如此接近人口稠密区的位置。如果我们想随时地检查和监测石棺, 只有同意签署这项建议。但是,自能源部不择手段,甚至使用军事保密、紧急权利、以及 跨部门封口令等手段来阻止环保署的代理人介入SRCF以来,
Subj: CDC: Internal Memo, Standby [2918115] To: all SRCF staff From: Ellen Grimes, Director of the EPA Your site along with many others has been found to be contaminated with what we will now refer to as [redracted]. It is vital that you standby for further orders. We are currently awaiting the President to decide our course of action in this national crisis. You will proceed with fail- safe procedures and rig the sarcouphagus with c-4 as outlined in Publication 4423. We will send you orders to either detonate and seal the sarcouphagus or remove the charges. It is of upmost importance that the facility is sealed immediatly when the orders are given, we have been alerted by Homeland Security that there are potential terrorist suspects that are being detained in connection with the recent national crisis. Director of the CDC, Ellen Grimes
Subj:美国疾病防疫中心(CDC):内部备忘录,编号[ 2918115 ] To:SCRF全体员工 From:埃伦·格兰姆斯,美国环境保护局主任 许多地方,包括你所处的位置已经发现我们现在称之为[ redracted ]的污染。 现在你需要为下一步命令做好充足的准备。我们现在正在等待总统为这个国家的危机 事件做最后决定。你的任务将是到上述那些地点并利用在4233文件中提出的《如何安 全使用C-4操纵石棺》守则来密封石棺或解除周围陷阱,最重要的是在命令送达的同时 所有设备必须立即封存。 我们已经通知国家安全局对所有与本次全国性事故有关的潜在恐怖主义分子进行拘捕。 美国疾病预防控制中心主任。 埃伦·格兰姆斯
Subj: SRCF: Internal Memo, EPA [2918024] To: all SRCF admin staff From: Constantine Dvorak, Undersecretary of Nuclear Security Director Grimes has released a new series of accusations that will soon be investigated by a Congressional committee. Below is the message that he sent myself. -------------------------------------------------------------- Subj: Congressional Investigations To: Constantine Dvorak, Undersecretary of Nuclear Safety From: Robert Shane, director of the EPA The EPA has opposed the Security-Restricted Containment Facility (SRCF) project from its inception. We were horrified that these facilities would be constructed so close to populated areas, and only agreed to sign-off on the project if we were allowed to freely examine and monitor the sarcophagi. But that has not happened. Since then the DoE has employed any and all means to keep EPA agents from visiting the SRCFs, using military secrecy, emergency powers, and inter-departmental gag orders to
Subj:SRCF:内部备忘录,美国国家环境保护局(EPA) [2918024] To:所有SRCF管理人员 From:康斯坦丁·德沃夏克,核安全副部长 格兰姆斯总监已经发布了一系列新的指控,将由国会的一个调查委员会进行调查。 下面是他发给我的一条信息。 -------------------------------------------------------------- Subj:国会调查 To:康斯坦丁·德沃夏克,核安全副部长 From:罗伯特·肖恩,美国国家环境保护局主任 从成立之初,美国环保局(EPA)一直反对限制级防泄露设施(SRCF)项目。我们惊惧 异常,这些设施将建造在如此接近人口稠密区的位置。如果我们想随时地检查和监测石棺, 只有同意签署这项建议。但是,自能源部不择手段,甚至使用军事保密、紧急权利、以及 跨部门封口令等手段来阻止环保署的代理人介入SRCF以来,
Subj: EPA: Report All Potential Containment Breaches 3873643 To: all SRCF staff From: Robert Shane, Director of the EPA All hazardous waste dumps and sarcouphagi must submit three samples from each operational leache system to the following addresses: CDC Bioterrism Lab Building 10 Corporate Square Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30329 EPA Region 8 Laboratory 16194 W. 45th Drive Golden, Colorado 80403 These samples must be accurate and any attempts to cover incompetencies will result in charges of Federal Corruption and potentially Treason.
Subj:美国国家环境保护局(EPA):潜在安全漏洞完整报告 3873643 To:全体SRCF成员 From:罗伯特·肖恩,美国国家环境保护局主任 所有危险废料堆和石棺必须提交三份样本至以下地址: 美国疾病防疫中心(CDC)生化实验室 10号楼 企业广场大道 亚特兰大,GA 30329 美国国家环境保护局(EPA) 8号区域实验室 16194 W。45号 金动大道,科罗拉多州 80403 请务必提供准确样本,任何试图敷衍了事的人都会被指控犯有贪污及叛国罪。
surround the project with an impenetrable thicket of red tape. Although our agents have not been allowed inside, our atmospheric testers in nearby communities have detected high levels of toxins and radiation, and we've found dozens of potentially dangerous unidentified compounds in the ground water. We now have conclusive evidence that the SRCFs are a threat to the public safety. We are taking these data to state representatives and petitioning for a full congressional inquiry. They should be able to force open your secret vaults, and the world will see what you've been hiding. If you had any hand in this outbreak I hope you rot in hell. Director of the EPA, Robert Shane
我们对SRCF的监察根本无从谈起。 虽然我们无法靠近SRCF,但我们的空气检测员在附近的居民区中检测到高浓度的毒 素及辐射,而我们也在地表径流中亦是发现了数十种有潜在危险的未知化合物。现在,我 们有足够的证据显示SRCF对公众安全是一种威胁。我们会将这些资料交予国会,并申请对 其进行深入而又完整的调查。我想,国会会让你们吐露你们三缄其口的秘密,令其大白于 天下。 如果你确实与这次灾难有关系,我诅咒你永堕地狱。 美国国家环境保护局主任, 罗伯特·肖恩
Memory Bank: Unencrypted Nothing of interest.
记忆体:未加密 无聊的事情。
ENTRY 49: We've stopped mining operations in this area, obviously, until archaeologists have the chance to inspect the area. This is going to set our schedule back by at least a week. This stupid artifact-preservation law has been in place for 50 years, and hasn't even been up for termination despite the fact that these mining operations are the backbone of our economy. ENTRY 52: Still waiting on the archaeologists. We've done a little light insepction of the faultline; our sounding equipment is insufficient to measure the depth of the concavities. The equipment is rated at 15 miles depth, but it isn't made for such narrow tunnels, so it's hard to say exactly how far back they go.
条目49: 很明显,我们已经停止在这里的采矿作业,除非考古学家有机会检查这个区域。 这使我们的工作推迟了至少一个星期。尽管采矿业是我国的经济支柱,但这愚 蠢的神器保护法案一直存在了50年,却还没有被终止。 条目52: 仍然在等待考古学家到来。我们做了一盏小灯探查这些凹坑;我们的探测设备不能 测量凹陷的深度。虽然设备的额定测量深度为15英里,但它不是为这种狭窄的隧道 设计的,所以很难说它到底能探测多远。