Translations by ten-10

ten-10 has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 761 results
Feathers from a bird. Useful for fletching arrows
A crude shaft made from wood. It needs arrowheads and fletching to become a functional arrow. You can, however, fire it from a bow.
This is a small, multipurpose electronic device. This PDA has its flashlight app on, and is providing light.
A simple arrow shaft that has a wide blunt head. Useful for hunting small woodland creatures without splattering them all over the ground.
An eight-shot, revolving barrel, pneumatic bolt driver handcrafted from scrap. It is very quiet and deadly.
This arrow has a rag soaked in a flammable liquid wrapped around the shaft near the head. You need to light it before shooting.
A heavy shaft made from scrap metal. It needs arrowheads and fletching to become a functional arrow. You can, however, fire it from a bow.
This metal shaft has been carefully sharpened so that it has a crude point at the end.
A multistroke pneumatic rifle handcrafted from scrap. It is very quiet and deadly.
A heavy shaft made from wood. It needs arrowheads and fletching to become a functional arrow. You can, however, fire it from a bow.
Your skill in hand-to-hand fighting. For the unskilled, it's a good way to get hurt, but those with enough practice can perform special blows and techniques to quickly dispatch enemies.
格闘技能です。低レベルでは生き残るのは難しいでしょう。 高レベルになると技の使用が可能になります。
Your ability to dodge an oncoming threat, be it an enemy's attack, a triggered trap, or a falling rock. This skill is also used in attempts to fall gracefully, and for other acrobatic feats.
物理的な脅威から身を守る技能です。高所から華麗に着地するなど アクロバティックな動作が可能になります。
Your skill in setting and disarming traps safely and effectively. This skill does not affect the detection of hidden traps, or the evasion of traps that are triggered.
罠を扱う技能です。罠を設置したり、安全に解除します。 注意点:このスキルは罠の発見や回避には影響しません。
A crude shaft made from plastic. It needs arrowheads and fletching to become a functional arrow. You can, however, fire it from a bow.
This metal shaft has been carefully sharpened so that it has a crude point at the end.
^>v< are always man-made buildings. The pointed side indicates the front door.
^>v< 人工の建物で、頂点は入り口がある方角を示している。
water tank
You just put on an article of clothing that provides ample storage space. This will allow you to carry much more stuff, but be aware that there is also a limit on the weight you can carry which depends on strength. The item you put on also encumbered your torso. This will make combat a little more difficult. To check encumbrance, press @.
Without reading glasses, you are unable to read anything, and take penalties on melee accuracy and electronics/tailoring crafting. However, you are guaranteed to start with a pair of reading glasses.
The item you just picked up went into your inventory, the shared storage space of all the clothing you're wearing. To view your inventory, press 'i'. You can then press the letter of any item to get more information about it.
You just placed a trap. Traps are permanent until set off, and can be an important defensive tactic, particularly when sleeping in unsafe territory. Try stepping on that _ -- don't worry, it's a harmless bubblewrap trap.
The Examine command is useful for grabbing items off window frames, around corners, etc. It's also used for interacting with a few terrain types. Interactive terrain is usually designated with a '6' symbol.
After firing your gun, you will probably notice a Recoil alert in the lower right. Generally speaking, the more damaging the ammo, the worse the recoil. Recoil severely reduces your chance to hit, but you can eliminate recoil by pausing ('.') for a turn or moving normally. High strength reduces recoil, so weak characters might want to stick to .22 or 9mm guns.
The item you just picked up is a comestible! To eat a comestible, press 'E'. Comestibles are items you can use up, like food, drink, pills, etc. Most food expires eventually, so be careful. Some comestibles, especially drugs, can cause subtle, long-term effects.
You just put on an article of clothing that provides ample storage space. This will allow you to carry much more stuff, but be aware that there is also a limit on the weight you can carry which depends on strength. The item you put on also encumbered your torso. This will make combat a little more difficult. To check encumbrance, press @.
You don't have space in your inventory to store the item you just tried to pick up. You need to wear something with storage space, like a backpace or cargo pants, to gain more storage space.
The item you just picked up is a firearm! Guns are very powerful weapons but they require ammunition. Firearms have many special attributes. Most modify the damage done by their ammunition. They also have dispersion, which affects their chance to hit. Some guns are semi-automatic, while others can fire a burst. Some firearms (mainly bows and other muscle-powered weapons) have a range, which is added on top of the ammo's range when firing.
You can smash through windows by pressing 's' and then a movement key. A smashed window takes a long time to climb through, and it's possible to hurt yourself on the broken glass, but it's a good last-ditch escape route. You can smash through other things, too; use the ';' command and look for things that are "Smashable."
You can close an opened door by pressing 'c' and then a movement key. Closing doors behind you can often slow down throngs of monsters greatly.
You're carrying more volume than you have storage for, which means you are carrying some stuff in the crook of your arm or in some other awkward manner. While overloaded like this, you will suffer SEVERE encumberment penalties, making combat dangerous. Either drop an item, or possibly wield something-- the object you are wielding does not take up inventory space.
A solitary firecracker with a short fuse. Use this item to light the fuse. Of course, you will need a lighter or some matches to do so. Shortly after you light the fuse it will explode, so throw it quickly!
If you press 'i' and then the letter of your weapon, you'll see its combat stats. Bashing damage ignores most armor, but varies greatly and requires strength. Cutting damage is a fixed amount, but is blocked by armor. The To-hit bonus affects your chances of hitting. The amount of time it takes to swing your melee weapon depends on both its size and weight; small, compact weapons are the fastest.
This is a funnel used to collect rainwater. Use it outside and place a container beneath it to collect water when it rains.
This is a machete attached laterally to a motor, with a tripwire controlling its throttle. When the tripwire is pulled, the blade is swung around with great force. The trap forms a 3x3 area of effect.
モーターに水平にマチェットが取り付けてある。ワイヤーを引っ張ると作動する。効 果範囲は3x3タイルに及ぶ。
This is a disposable plastic lighter. A lighter must be carried to use various drugs, like cigarettes, or to light things like molotov cocktails. You can also use a lighter to light nearby items on fire.
This is a section of a pipe filled with explosive materials. Use this item with to light the fuse, which gives you three turns to get away from it before it detonates. You'll need a lighter or some matches to use it. It is somewhat unreliable, and may fail to detonate.
This is a glass vial, split into two chambers. The divider is removable, which will cause the chemicals to mix. If this mixture is exposed to air (perhaps by throwing the vial) they will spill out as a pool of potent acid.
This is a glass vial, with two chemicals mixing inside. The vial feels colder and the contents are frothing. If this mixture is exposed to air (as could happen if you throw the vial), it will spill out as a pool of potent acid.
A bottle of flammable liquid with a rag inserted. Use this item to light the rag. You will, of course, need a lighter or matches in your inventory to do this. After lighting it, throw it to cause fires.
A bottle of flammable liquid with a flaming rag inserted. Throwing it will cause the bottle to break, spreading fire. The flame may go out shortly if you do not throw it. Dropping it while lit is not safe.
A firecracker that has been lit; the fuse is hissing. Throw it quickly before it explodes.
That yellow > next to you is a staircase leading down. To go downtairs, step onto the staircase and press the '>' key. Similarly, a yellow < is stairs leading up, and can be followed with the '<' key.
Once you have a loaded gun wielded, you can fire it. Press the 'f' key to fire a single shot. With many guns, you can fire a burst by pressing 'F'. You'll automatically target the last monster you shot at, or the closest monster to you. You can change your target with the movement keys, or cycle through monsters with '<' and '>'. To fire, press 'f' or '.'; to cancel, hit the escape key.
The Examine command is useful for grabbing items off window frames, around corners, etc. It's also used for interacting with a few terrain types. Interactive terrain is usually designated with a '6' symbol.
A pack of 25 firecrackers that has been lit; the fuse is hissing. Throw them quickly before the start to explode.
This is a small book of matches, with a coarse strike surface on the outside flap. Matches must be carried to use various drugs like cigarettes, or to light things like molotov cocktails. You can also use matches to light nearby items on fire.
This is a simple tripwire, which is attached to the trigger of a loaded crossbow. When pulled, the crossbow fires. Only a single round can be used, after which the trap is disabled.
This is a stone with spirals all over it, and holes around its perimeter. Though it is fairly large, it weighs next to nothing. Air seems to gather around it.
渦巻きと小さな穴に全体が覆われた石です。 大きさはかなりありますが、全く重くありません。 空気が石の周りに凝縮されているように見えます。
This is a pack of 25 firecrackers with a starter fuse. Use this item to light the fuse. Of course, you will need a lighter or some matches to do so. Shortly after you light the fuse they will begin to explode, so throw them quickly!
This is a simple tripwire is attached to the trigger of a loaded sawn-off shotgun. When pulled, the shotgun fires. Two shells are loaded; the first time the trigger is pulled, one or both shells may be discharged.