Translations by Alain Jerrel Bustamante-López

Alain Jerrel Bustamante-López has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

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OpenGL allows you to use the hardware acceleration, reducing the CPU load to the minimum. It also allows some pretty visual effects similar to Compiz. However, some cards and/or their drivers don't fully support it, which may prevent the dock from running correctly. Do you want to activate OpenGL ? (To not show this dialog, launch the dock from the Application menu, or with the -o option to force OpenGL and -c to force cairo.)
OpenGL permite usar aceleración del hardware de video, resultando en un CPU con menos carga. También permite algunos efectos visuales similares a los de Compiz. Sin embargo, algunas tarjetas y/o sus controladores no son totalmente compatibles, lo que puede impedir el funcionamiento correcto de Cairo-Dock. ¿Gusta usted activar OpenGL? (Para no mostrar este cuadro de diálogo, lánce Cairo-Dock desde el menú de Aplicaciones o con la opción -o para forzar a OpenGL y -c para obligar a Cairo-Dock.)