Browsing Hungarian translation

8089 of 192 results
Error: Restoring configuration backup failed
HIBA: Biztonsági konfigurációsfálj visszaállítás meghiúsult.
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:152
Error: could not restart btnx
TRANSLATORS: do not translate "btnx". It is the name of a program
HIBA: Nem tud ujraindulni a btnx
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:155
Failed to execute command: "
TRANSLATORS: do not translate "btnx". It is the name of a program. Leave
* the command as it is.
Nem tudom végrehjtani a parancsot: "
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:159
btnx failed to start. No suitable configuration was found. Make sure to fully configure btnx before starting it.
btnx nem tudott elindulni. Nem talált megfelelő konfigurációt. Készíts egy teljesn új konfigurációt mielőtt újra indítod.
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:162
btnx failed to start. The configuration file was corrupt or invalid.
btnx nem tudott elindulni. A konfigurációs fájl hibás vagy sérült.
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:165
btnx failed to start. It could not locate a suitable input event handler for the configured device.
btnx nem tudott elindulni. Nem talált megfelelő beviteli esemény kezelőt a beállított eszközhöz.
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:167
btnx failed to start. uinput handlers could not be opened. Make sure your system has uinput kernel modules.
btnx nem tudott elinduln. uinput kezelőt nem lehet megnyitni. Győződj meg arról, hogy a rendszerednek vannak uinput kernel moduljai.
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:170
<b>Advanced settings</b>
TRANSLATORS: do not edit the <b> formatting tags
<b>Speciális beállítások</b>
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:174
TRANSLATORS: do not edit the <b> formatting tags.
* Hot-plugging refers to device detection and configuration when it is
* plugged into the system while the system is running.
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:178
Enable hot-plugging
* Hot-plugging refers to device detection and configuration when it is
* plugged into the system while the system is running.
Hot-plugging Engedélyezés
Translated and reviewed by Pummer Péter
Located in text.h:182
8089 of 192 results

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Contributors to this translation: Pummer Péter.