Translation status by language


BosnianUniverseTranslation is translated by Launchpad Translators with Restricted permissions.

Before translating, please look at translation instructions first.

Sharing Information

This project series is not sharing translations with an Ubuntu source package.


Translation files that are waiting to be imported are shown in the import queue.

To see all the translation templates in trunk, go to the full list of templates.

Automatic synchronization

Translations are imported with every update from branch lp:bosnianuniversetranslation/trunk, and exported daily to branch lp:~megaribi/bosnianuniversetranslation/export.

Translation status

Language Status Untranslated Needs review Last Changed
Abkhazian 4 100.00  0.0005843425415978847% translated  99.9994156574584% untranslated 684526 684526 0 0 2012-10-03 13:08:32
Arabic 2 100.00  0.00029217127079894233% translated  99.9997078287292% untranslated 684528 684528 24 24 2013-12-26 04:43:42
Bosnian 636183 007.06  92.93719778534177% translated  7.062802214658233% untranslated 48347 48347 392 392 2017-05-30 18:05:49
Burmese 16 100.00  0.0023373701663915386% translated  99.9976626298336% untranslated 684514 684514 0 0 2016-12-17 06:16:25
Chinese (Simplified) 68 099.99  0.009933823207164039% translated  99.99006617679284% untranslated 684462 684462 0 0 2016-11-04 13:20:29
English (United Kingdom) 31293 095.43  4.5714577885556515% translated  95.42854221144435% untranslated 653237 653237 26 26 2024-02-03 12:37:41
French 2 100.00  0.00029217127079894233% translated  99.9997078287292% untranslated 684528 684528 37 37 2018-08-06 22:32:39
German 2 100.00  0.00029217127079894233% translated  99.9997078287292% untranslated 684528 684528 72 72 2014-01-22 14:04:59
Italian 9 100.00  0.0013147707185952406% translated  99.9986852292814% untranslated 684521 684521 25 25 2013-01-28 12:54:44
Kurdish 3 100.00  0.0004382569061984135% translated  99.9995617430938% untranslated 684527 684527 0 0 2017-01-19 18:51:51
Russian 506 099.93  0.07391933151213241% translated  99.92608066848787% untranslated 684024 684024 21 21 2022-04-04 08:21:06
Spanish 57 099.99  0.008326881217769857% translated  99.99167311878223% untranslated 684473 684473 71 71 2022-07-07 07:58:49
Turkish 20 100.00  0.0029217127079894235% translated  99.99707828729201% untranslated 684510 684510 8 8 2013-03-06 13:12:57
Uyghur 2 100.00  0.00029217127079894233% translated  99.9997078287292% untranslated 684528 684528 1 1 2015-10-12 13:45:38
Uzbek 43 099.99  0.00628168232217726% translated  99.99371831767783% untranslated 684487 684487 0 0 2014-12-30 17:48:39
Key to this table: “Unchanged” means Translated
and “untranslated” means just that, Untranslated