Translations by YannUbuntu
YannUbuntu has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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11. |
Repair the boot of the computer
2011-09-01 |
Kukarabati Boot ya kompyuta
12. |
Recommended repair
2011-09-01 |
Ilipendekeza kukarabati
13. |
repairs most frequent problems
2011-09-01 |
matengenezo ya mara kwa mara matatizo
146. |
Create a BootInfo summary
2011-09-01 |
Kujenga muhtasari BootInfo
147. |
to get help by email or forum
2011-09-01 |
kupata msaada kwa barua pepe au forum
149. |
Please note the following URL:
2011-09-01 |
Tafadhali kumbuka URL zifuatazo:
151. |
In case you still experience boot problem, indicate this URL to:
2011-09-01 |
Katika kesi bado uzoefu Boot tatizo, zinaonyesha hii kwa URL:
153. |
or to your favorite support forum.
2011-09-01 |
au kwenye jukwaa your favorite msaada.
258. |
Remove any operating system from your computer
2011-09-01 |
Ondoa yoyote ya mfumo wa uendeshaji kutoka kwa kompyuta yako
261. |
Which operating system do you want to uninstall ?
2011-09-01 |
Mfumo wa uendeshaji ambayo unataka kufuta?