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1322 of 284 results
repairs most frequent problems
baiki masalah-masalah paling kerap berlaku
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
${APPNAME}, simple tool to recover access to your Operating Systems.
/// Please do not translate ${APPNAME}
${APPNAME}, alata mudah untuk memulihkan capaian ke Sistem Pengoperasian anda.
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
Easy-to-use (repair in 1 click ! )
Mudah-digunakan (baiki dengan 1 klik !)
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
Helpful (Boot-Info summary to get help by email or on your favorite forum)
Membantu (ringkasan Boot-Info boleh digunakan untuk mendapatkan bantuan melalui emel atau forum kegemaran anda)
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
Whatever the systems installed on your disk,
Apa jua sistem-sistem yang terpasang di dalam cakera anda,
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/ boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
Safe (automatic backups)
Selamat (sandar automatik)
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
Reliable (300.000 users per year)
Boleh Dipercayai (300.00 pengguna setahun)
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
Can recover access to Windows (XP, Vista, Windows7, Windows8).
Boleh memulihkan capaian ke Windows (XP, Vista, Windows7, Windows8).
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/ boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
Can recover access to Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, OpenSuse, ArchLinux...
Boleh memulihkan capaian ke Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, OpenSuse, ArchLinux...
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
Can recover access to any OS (Windows, MacOS, Linux..) if your PC contains Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, OpenSuse, ArchLinux, or derivative.
Dapat memulihkan capaian mana-mana OS (Windows, MacOS, Linux..) jika PC anda mengandungi Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, OpenSuse, ArchLinux, atau lain-lain derivatif.
Translated and reviewed by abuyop
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
1322 of 284 results

This translation is managed by Launchpad Malay Translators, assigned by Launchpad Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: YannUbuntu, abuyop, inashdeen.