Translations by Xuacu Saturio
Xuacu Saturio has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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160. |
If a window similar to the one below appears, use Tab and Enter keys in order to confirm GRUB removal.
2012-06-24 |
Si aparece una ventana similar a la de abajo, utilice las teclas Tab e Intro para confirmar la eliminación de GRUB.
212. |
This will install the [${PACKAGELIST}] packages.
2011-12-29 |
Esto instalará los paquetes [${PACKAGELIST}].
213. |
Do you want to install the [${PACKAGELIST}] packages?
2011-12-29 |
¿Desea instalar los paquetes [${PACKAGELIST}]?