Translations by Alejandro A.
Alejandro A. has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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53. |
When rebooting the computer, can you successfully start Windows?
2013-10-16 |
Al reiniciar el ordenador, ¿puede arrancar Windows con éxito?
129. |
You may want to install a 64-bit Linux instead.
2013-10-16 |
Puede que, en su lugar, quiera instalar una versión de Linux de 64 bits.
242. |
Your Linux on ${PARTITION1} is 32-bit, so it may be incompatible with your 64-bit UEFI firmware.
2013-10-16 |
Su versión de Linux en ${PARTITION1} es de 32 bits, por lo que puede que sea incompatible con su firmware UEFI de 64 bits.