Browsing Afrikaans translation

207 of 284 results
Please be aware that ${APPNAME} writes logs and backups on disks, collects anonymous statistics about its use, and creates Pastebin (if you select that option) containing basic system data such as partition labels, UUIDs and mount points.
/// Please do not translate ${APPNAME}
Wees asseblief bewus daarvan daardie ${APPNAME} skryf logs en rugsteun op skywe, versamel anonieme statistieke oor die gebruik daarvan, en skep Pastebin (As jy daardie opsie kies) bevat basiese stelseldata soos partisietikette, UUID's en monter punte.
Translated and reviewed by Bernard Stafford
Located in boot-repair/usr/share/boot-sav/
207 of 284 results

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