Translations by Stephan Woidowski
Stephan Woidowski has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 20 of 20 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
1. |
Has been sending and receiving during the past hour
2018-10-04 |
Has been sending and receiving during the past hour
2. |
See the Journal for progress.
2018-10-04 |
See the Journal for progress.
3. |
2018-10-04 |
4. |
You are connected to a public demo of Bibledit Cloud.
2018-10-04 |
You are connected to a public demo of Bibledit Cloud.
5. |
Everybody can modify the data on that server.
2018-10-04 |
Everybody can modify the data on that server.
6. |
After send and receive your data will reflect the data on the server.
2018-10-04 |
After send and receive your data will reflect the data on the server.
7. |
Sending statistics
2018-10-04 |
Sending statistics
8. |
2018-10-04 |
9. |
Number of change notifications
2018-10-04 |
Number of change notifications
10. |
Number of consultation notes assigned to you awaiting your response
2018-10-04 |
Number of consultation notes assigned to you awaiting your response
11. |
Number of consultation notes you are subscribed to
2018-10-05 |
Number of consultation notes you are subscribed to
12. |
2018-10-05 |
13. |
Inactive for a day
2018-10-05 |
Inactive for a day
14. |
Inactive for a week
2018-10-05 |
Inactive for a week
15. |
Verse mappings
2018-10-05 |
Verse mappings
16. |
The verse mapping was saved
2018-10-05 |
The verse mapping was saved
17. |
Verse Mappings
2018-10-05 |
Verse Mappings
18. |
Enter a name for the new verse mapping
2018-10-05 |
Enter a name for the new verse mapping
19. |
This verse mapping already exists
2018-10-05 |
This verse mapping already exists
20. |
Would you like to delete this verse mapping?
2018-10-05 |
Would you like to delete this verse mapping?