Translations by Joško Horvat
Joško Horvat has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1. |
2016-04-14 |
2. |
APRSdroid Preferences
2016-04-14 |
APRSdroid možnosti
3. |
APRSdroid Map
2016-04-14 |
APRSdroid zemljevid
4. |
APRSdroid Hub
2016-04-14 |
APRSdroid vozlišče
6. |
Station Info
2016-04-14 |
Info postaje
7. |
2016-04-14 |
8. |
Clear Messages
2016-04-14 |
Počisti sporočila
9. |
You need to configure APRSdroid with your callsign and passcode!
2016-04-14 |
Potrebno je nastaviti APRSdroid z pozivnim znakom in geslom
10. |
Your passcode does not match your callsign!
2016-04-14 |
Vaše geslo se ne ujema z pozivnim znakom
12. |
Without a passcode, your reports will not be propagated!
2016-04-14 |
Brez gesla vaša sporočila ne bodo vidna
13. |
Minimum update time is 1 minute!
2016-04-14 |
Najmanjši čas posodobitve
15. |
Start Tracking
2016-04-14 |
Začetek sledenja
16. |
Stop Tracking
2016-04-14 |
Konec sledenja
17. |
You have not yet sent or received any packets.\n\n Press the \"Menu\" button to send a single report or to start tracking your position.\n\n You can also change the application preferences from the menu.
2016-04-14 |
Niste poslali ali prejeli nobenih paketkov.\n\n Pritisnite \"Menu\" tipko za posamezno poročilo ali začetek sledenja vaše lokacije.\n\n Lahko pa tudi spremenite v Menu -> Nastavitve.
18. |
%s Last Report
2016-04-14 |
%s Zadnje poročilo
19. |
Tracking %s...
2016-04-14 |
Sledenje %s...
2016-04-14 |
Sledenje %...
21. |
Select station
2016-04-14 |
Izberi postajo
22. |
2016-04-14 |
Nalaganje …
23. |
Station SSIDs
2016-04-14 |
SSID postaje
24. |
Station History
2016-04-14 |
Zgodovina postaje
25. |
2016-04-14 |
27. |
2016-04-14 |
28. |
2016-04-14 |
29. |
Send message to...
2016-04-14 |
Pošlji sporočilo k ...
30. |
Message text
2016-04-14 |
Tekst sporočila
31. |
There are no stored conversations.
2016-04-14 |
Shranjeni pogovori ne obstajajo
32. |
The message will be sent as soon as you start tracking.
2016-04-14 |
Sporočilo bo poslano takoj ko vklopite sledenje
33. |
Message from %s
2016-04-14 |
Sporočilo od %s
34. |
Message to %s
2016-04-14 |
Sporočilo k %s
35. |
Abort transmission
2016-04-14 |
Prekini oddajanje
36. |
Restart transmission
2016-04-14 |
Ponovi oddajanje
37. |
2016-04-14 |
38. |
2016-04-14 |
39. |
APRSdroid Service
2016-04-14 |
APRSdroid storitev
40. |
APRS Service single shot: %1$s, %2$s.
2016-04-14 |
APRS storitev posamezni posnetek: %1$s, %2$s.
41. |
APRS Service started: %1$s, %2$s.
2016-04-14 |
APRS storitev zagnana: %1$s, %2$s.
42. |
APRS Service stopped.
2016-04-14 |
APRS storitev ustavljena.
43. |
You need to enable either GPS or Network Location for APRSdroid to work properly!
2016-04-14 |
Potrebno je omogočiti GPS ali omrežno lokacijo za pravilno delovanje APRSdroid aplikacije
44. |
SmartBeaconing™ requires GPS!
2016-04-14 |
SmartBeaconing™ zahteva GPS!
45. |
2016-04-14 |
46. |
2016-04-14 |
47. |
Connecting to %1$s:%2$d...
2016-04-14 |
Povezujem se na %1$s:%2$d...
48. |
Connection lost. Reconnect in %d seconds...
2016-04-14 |
Povezava je izgubljena. Ponovitev v %d sekundah...
49. |
Welcome to APRSdroid!
2016-04-14 |
Dobrodošli v APRSdroid!
50. |
This software may only be used by licensed amateur radio operators!
2016-04-14 |
To aplikacijo smejo uporabljati le registrirani radioamaterji!
51. |
You need to enter your callsign to use this software. To forward your packets, an APRS-IS passcode is required as well.
2016-04-14 |
Vnesite vaš klicni znak za uporabo aplikacije. Za pošiljanje paketkov, je potrebno tudi APRS geslo.
53. |
About APRSdroid v%s
2016-04-14 |
APRSdroid vizitka v%s
55. |
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. \n\n This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. \n\n You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \n\n
2016-04-14 |
Ta program je brezplačen; lahko ga kopirate in/ali spreminjate pod pogoji določenimi z GNU General Public License kot je objavljeno z Free Software Fundacije; ali verzija 2 Licence, kot (vaša verzija) katerokoli kasnejšo verzijo. \n\n Ta program je v uporabi z upanjem, da bo koristen, vendar BREZ VSAKEGA ZAGOTOVILA; celo brez predlaganega zagotovila z strani MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Glej GNU General Public License za več podrobnosti. \n\n Prejeti bi morali kopijo od GNU General Public License skupaj z tem programom; Če ne, pišite na Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \n\n
56. |
Thanks to:
2016-04-14 |
Zahvala gre: