Browsing Indonesian translation

1120 of 325 results
Your callsign is too long for Packet Radio!
callsign terlalu panjang untuk Packet Radio
Translated and reviewed by ramadhan
Located in res/values/strings.xml:15(string)
Without a passcode, your reports will not be propagated!
tanpa passcode, laporan anda tidak akan terkirim
Translated and reviewed by ramadhan
Located in res/values/strings.xml:16(string)
Minimum update time is 1 minute!
waktu untuk update minimum 1 menit
Translated and reviewed by ramadhan
Located in res/values/strings.xml:17(string)
Send Position
Kirim Posisi
Translated and reviewed by Josef Matondang
Located in res/values/strings.xml:18(string)
Start Tracking
Mulai Penjejak
Translated and reviewed by m. anshori
Located in res/values/strings.xml:19(string)
Stop Tracking
Hentikan Penjejak
Translated and reviewed by m. anshori
Located in res/values/strings.xml:20(string)
You have not yet sent or received any packets.\n\n Press the \"Menu\" button to send a single report or to start tracking your position.\n\n You can also change the application preferences from the menu.
Anda belum mengirim ataupun menerima paket apapun.\n\n Tekan tombol \"Menu\" untuk mengirim laporan tunggal atau mulai rekam jejak posisi Anda.\n\n Anda juga dapat mengubah pengaturan aplikasi dari menu.
Translated by Bambang Budi P
Reviewed by Bambang Budi P
Located in res/values/strings.xml:22(string)
%s Last Report
Maps activity
%s Pesan Terakhir
Translated and reviewed by m. anshori
Located in res/values/strings.xml:27(string)
Tracking %s...
Rekam Jejak %s
Translated and reviewed by m. anshori
Located in res/values/strings.xml:28(string)
Position for %s unknown!
Posisi %s tidak diketahui!
Translated and reviewed by Josef Matondang
Located in res/values/strings.xml:29(string)
1120 of 325 results

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Contributors to this translation: Bambang Budi P, Georg Lukas, Herry JP Dotulong, Josef Matondang, Zoel Gandhi, ali elsas, ferry, m. anshori, ramadhan, wahyu.